<background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<dialogue type="update" id="0">
This is for main text like an update. For example the character has just won 6RMB when gambling.
<dialogue id="1" position="left" auto-next="true">
A dialogue on the left that will auto expire and go to the next set
<dialogue id="2" type="character">
A character thought - something the character thinks. A character thought - something the character thinksA character thought - something the character thinksA character thought - something the character thinksA character thought - something the character thinks
<dialogue type="author" id="3">
An authors thought - a direct message from the author An authors thought - a direct message from the author An authors thought - a direct message from the author An authors thought - a direct message from the author An authors thought - a direct message from the author An authors thought - a direct message from the author
<passage go-to="somewhere">Action link one</passage>
<passage go-to="somewhere">Action link two</passage>
<%= s.menu %><background>
<dialogue id="4">Last dialogue</dialogue>
<dialogue id="1">
I first met Peng a few years ago while doing fieldwork in Lingshui, a Ming dynasty village close to China’s hypermodern capital. At the time, Peng was living with his family in their old rural house on the outskirts of Beijing. He had just finished studying at a nearby vocational secondary school, majoring in IT. He was spending the period between the end of his degree and the beginning of a new job with his parents. What the future had in store for him we largely ignored, except that it entailed leaving his native village behind. We later stayed in touch through phone calls and social media.
<option go-to="2">Second</option>
<option go-to="3">Third</option>
<dialogue id="2" end="true">
The second set of words
<dialogue id="3" end="true">
The third set of words
<div class="links">
<p><span>Action link two</span></p>
<%= s.menu %>
<!-- because the transitions are handled in a custom way, if a page links to another page, add a comment like the one below. This will make it show up in the twine overview so you can see how all the passages fit together but it won't show up for the user -->
<!-- [[Image/text/link]] --><!--
full screen video example, the src should be the youtube ID from the URL. I.e. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuzcXsqiVX0 << just copy the last part after the equals.
'transition-to' is the passage will be redirected to at the end of the video.
<fullscreen-video src="CxzPralQ1DI" transition-to="Dummy"></fullscreen-video><background>
<div class="wallet-container">
<h2 class="wallet-title">Wallet</h2>
<div class="inner">
<wallet></wallet> RMB
<%= s.specialMenu %><inventory-container type="inventory"></item>
<%= s.specialMenu %><inventory-container type="glossary">
<%= s.specialMenu %><map image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/map/mapLingshui.jpg"></map>
<%= s.specialMenu %><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<set-location id="one" />
<dialogue type="update" id="0" end="true">
You won <random-outcome min="-10" max="+10"></random-outcome>RMB! This has been deposited in your wallet. The balance of your wallet is now <wallet></wallet> RMB...
<%= s.menu %>This is a dummy page to arrive at. It has no content.<background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<dialogue type="update">
<inventory-item name="picture"></item>
<passage go-to="InventoryTest">Inventory logic</passage>
<passage go-to="Inventory">Inventory</passage>
<%= s.menu %><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<dialogue type="update" id="0" end="true">
test in dialogue
<inventory-test item="picture">
<true><passage go-to="somewhere">true link</passage></true>
<false><passage go-to="somewhere">False link</passage></false>
<%= s.menu %><inventory-auto-add item="letter"></item>
<background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
A word has been automatically added to the glossary. Click the link for detail.
<passage go-to="Remove inventory item">remove</passage>
[[Remove inventory item]]
<%= s.menu %>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<dialogue type="update">
<inventory-item-add-remove add-name="anotherRubicon" remove-name="rubicon"></item>
<passage go-to="InventoryTest">Inventory logic</passage>
<passage go-to="Inventory">Inventory</passage>
<%= s.menu %><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<dialogue type="update">
<inventory-item-remove name="rubicon"></item>
<passage go-to="InventoryTest">Inventory logic</passage>
<passage go-to="Inventory">Inventory</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
The Long Day of Young Peng
<dialogue type="update.author" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">
I first met Peng few years ago while doing fieldwork in Lingshui, a Ming dynasty village close to China’s hypermodern capital. At the time, Peng was living with his family in their old rural house on the outskirts of Beijing. He had just finished studying at a nearby vocational secondary school, majoring in IT. He was spending the period between the end of his degree and the beginning of a new job with his parents. What the future had in store for him we largely ignored, except that it entailed leaving his native village behind. We later stayed in touch through phone calls and social media.
<dialogue type="update.author" position="center" id="2" auto-next="true">
What follows draws from what Peng has been willing to share with me about his life in the village and as a migrant, but also goes beyond it. It draws from material collected through repeated visits to China and other scholarly sources, including works on other parts of the country and insights from different but similarly developing places around the world, to recount the story of the making of contemporary China. All people and places in this game have been given alternative names, but their stories remain those of some of China’s hundred million migrants.
<dialogue type="update.author" position="center" id="3" auto-next="true">
This game puts you in Peng’s shoes. It asks you to pay close attention to the various political, economical, legal and, above all, human entanglements constituting the ordinary life of a Chinese migrant today. In this way, you gain insights into how the global forces of modernity, the object of this digital ethnography, affect local Chinese individuals and the choices they make about their lives and relationships.<br><br>
<passage go-to="1A">Start</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!-- because the transitions are handled in a custom way, if a page links to another page, add a comment like the one below. This will make it show up in the twine overview so you can see how all the passages fit together but it won't show up for the user -->
<!-- [[1A]] --><inventory-auto-add item="Tianna"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
“Wake up Peng! I’m not calling for you a second time! 快来吃早饭!”
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">
Mom’s always been like that. When she’s worried she can’t keep her hands still - you can always find her fidgeting over the stoves. 天哪!. She makes me really anxious sometimes...
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="2" auto-next="true">
Well, at least it’s a sunny day, I won’t freeze on the journey to the city.
<passage go-to="1B">Pick up your wallet and walk out</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1B]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
“Why do you always have to be like that! This attitude won’t get you anywhere in Beijing! You’ll soon be back and everyone will think you’re too soft for the city!
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true">
Are you packed yet? Your Dad and uncle wanna see you, your Dad’s sister has something for you and then there’s the document from the church you have to...”
<passage go-to="1C">“I know, mum, I know”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1C]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Name xinku"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1C.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">
“Peng, don’t forget the sacrifices your family has made for you. Your father has never taken a day off from his job since you started college. Your ageing grandparents still have to take care of the land in the village. 那么辛苦!”
<passage go-to="1CA">“You keep repeating this, Ma, but what can I do about it?! It’s not my fault if there are so few decent jobs around!”</passage>
<passage go-to="1CB">“Sure Ma, I was laying awake, but don’t worry. I’ll be fine and I’ll do my best with this new job in Beijing”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1CA]]--><inventory-auto-add item="seendaduncle"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D.JPG">
<passage go-to="1Dleft">Talk to Dad on the left </passage>
<passage go-to="1Dright">Talk to uncle on the right</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1Dright]]--><inventory-auto-add item="seenauntie"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1E.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">
“Looks who’s here? ‘Big brain’ Peng has come to say goodbye? Come and have something to eat before you go”
<passage go-to="1EA">“Mum said you had something for me…”</passage>
<passage go-to="1EB">“How’s life? Will you be going to church later?”</passage>
<passage go-to="1EC">Talk to woman on the right</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1EC]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1C.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true">
“You remind me of myself many years ago. It was difficult leaving my family, too. Working away from home scared me a lot, but it was also fun and new. Coming back to this place instead, that scared me even more. Come, have some pocket money; you’ll buy something sweet along the way”
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="2" end="true">
[+<random-outcome min="20" max="20"></random-outcome> RMB]
<passage go-to="1D">“I will finish breakfast and see Dad and uncle Di”</passage>
<passage go-to="1E">“I will finish breakfast and see Dad’s sister”</passage>
</fade in >
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1E]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Xingfujia"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Chiku"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1C.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">
“Don’t be like that, it’s time for you to do your part for this family. Heaven only knows we haven’t been 吃苦! But if everything goes as it should, you’ll find a job in Beijing and start supporting us here in the village. Everyone will finally say that we’ve become a 幸福家!”
<passage go-to="1D">“I will finish breakfast and see Dad and uncle Di”</passage>
<passage go-to="1E">““I will finish breakfast and see Dad’s sister”</passage>
</fade in >
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="seendad"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Lanchong"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
“懒虫! You’ve finally woken up! The bus to Fengtai is in a couple of hours; you better be ready by then. I’ll drive you there”
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">
I don’t quite get why Dad’s insisting on me meeting my cousin Feifei in Fengtai. Why should I talk to someone who’s always complaining about his job and about life in the city?
<passage go-to="1DleftA">“Why should I go to Fengtai first?”</passage>
<passage go-to="1DleftB">“You don’t trust Mr Feng, do you?”</passage>
<passage go-to="1DleftC">“I’d rather go straight to Beijing and meet up with uncle Fucheng’s contact there, Mr Feng”
<passage go-to="1DleftD">“I’ll be ready by then”
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1DleftD]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Zhaijidi"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Ziliudi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
“I’m happy that you dropped by to say goodbye, young Peng! Finally, someone in this family is making the right choice to leave this dull place! And I’ve been living here the longest, I can tell you; there’s nothing here for people like you”
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">
“I’m actually pretty worried that you’ll be lying around here without much to do without me. Uncle Di, are you going to miss our 斗地主 sessions?”
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">
“I’m 无业 but don’t let that worry you! I’ll still have my 宅基地 roof over my head, and my 自留地 land to work on. No one could ever take that from me. Come inside, I want to talk to you”
<passage go-to="1DrightA">Go inside</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1DrightA]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
"I want you to talk to Feifei before you go. Your deal with Mr Feng seems quite promising, but I’m not sure working as a waiter in one of his dodgy schemes will pay as reliably as harder work in the factory. Feifei works in one and might be able to get you a job there. I want you to explore that possibility before you get too excited about Beijing. Where will you stay anyways? It’s too expensive there"
<inventory-test item="seenchurch">
<passage go-to="1F">Get the document from the church</passage>
<inventory-test item="seenauntie">
<passage go-to="1E">Go to Dad’s sister</passage>
<passage go-to="1Dright">Talk to uncle on the right</passage>
<passage go-to="1G">Take a final tour of the village
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1Dright]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
"It’s not about trust, he’s from the grassroots like us, but I suspect he’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants"
<inventory-test item="seenchurch">
<passage go-to="1F">Get the document from the church</passage>
<inventory-test item="seenauntie">
<passage go-to="1E">Go to Dad’s sister</passage>
<passage go-to="1Dright">Talk to uncle on the right</passage>
<passage go-to="1G">Take a final tour of the village
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1Dright]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
"Who do you think you’re talking to? You’ll do as I say, end of story"
<inventory-test item="seenchurch">
<passage go-to="1F">Get the document from the church</passage>
<inventory-test item="seenauntie">
<passage go-to="1E">Go to Dad’s sister</passage>
<passage go-to="1Dright">Talk to uncle on the right</passage>
<passage go-to="1G">Take a final tour of the village
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
"You'd better be"
<inventory-test item="seenchurch">
<passage go-to="1F">Get the document from the church</passage>
<inventory-test item="seenauntie">
<passage go-to="1E">Go to Dad’s sister</passage>
<passage go-to="1Dright">Talk to uncle on the right</passage>
<passage go-to="1G">Take a final tour of the village
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="seenchurch"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F.JPG">
<passage go-to="1FA">Talk to the card players</passage>
<passage go-to="1FB">Read the prayer on the wall</passage>
<passage go-to="1F1">Go inside the church</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1F1]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Yilushunli"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1G.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">“And there he comes! Young Peng on his journey to the city, 一路顺利”
<passage go-to="1G1">Keep on walking</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1G1]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D1.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
“Look Peng, you need to take your trip to Beijing lightly. Things are so bad here, there’s no future for you without moving somewhere else”
<passage go-to="1D2">“What’s so wrong with the village uncle Di?”</passage>
<passage go-to="1D3">“I’m sure that in the city I’ll find my way”</passage>
<passage go-to="1D4">Take a look around</passage>
<passage go-to="1DAlt">Leave</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1DAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D2.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
“Lingshui? I remember when you were smaller than a corn shot! Do you remember primary school? There were days when you kids would march through the village’s alleyways and make so much noise there wasn’t a shot in hell we wouldn’t hear you coming!"
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">
“My own memories of that period are actually very hazy”
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">
“You aren’t seeing the big picture here. With the school now closed, people your age won’t withstand a single day in the fields and go instead to Zhaitang or Beijing to find a halfway decent job. We are too old to keep working the land and we need you to support us in our old age. We need you to be away. That period is forever gone.”
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="3" end="true">
“Don’t be silly Uncle Di, the School here was soul-crushing, all we did was rote learning! And teachers who wouldn’t give a flying fish about rural kids like us. I’m so glad to be finally done with all that nonsense”
<passage go-to="1D2A">Take a look at the pictures</passage>
<passage go-to="1DAlt">Go back</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1DAlt]]--><inventory-auto-add item="charm"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D3.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
“Do you think so, young Peng? I hope so, but a little help won’t hurt, right? Take one of the charms in the cabinet; Amitabha will watch over your journey, but don’t forget to visit a temple once in Beijing ok?"
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" end="true">
[the charms have been added to your inventory]
<passage go-to="1D3A">Read the gold-on-red characters</passage>
<passage go-to="1DAlt">Go back</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1DAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D4.JPG">
<passage go-to="1D5">Keep looking around</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1D5]]--><inventory-auto-add item="seendaduncle"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D.JPG">
<inventory-test item="seenchurch">
<passage go-to="1F">“I’m off to church, Dad”</passage>
<inventory-test item="seenauntie">
<passage go-to="1E">“I’m off to greet auntie Xiaoyu, see you in a bit!”</passage>
<passage go-to="1G">Take a final tour of the village</passage>
<inventory-test item="seendad">
<passage go-to="1Dleft">Talk to Dad on the left</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1Dleft]]--><inventory-auto-add item="picture"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D2.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">
That’s a young me! And that’s uncle Li, it’s been a while since I last saw him. I’m gonna miss the good fun and family time in the village. I’ll take this with me.
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" end="true">
[the picture has been added to your inventory]
<%= s.menu %>
<passage go-to="1DAlt">Go back</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1DAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D3.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">
一帆风顺, smooth sailing, that’s precisely what I’ll need.
<passage go-to="1DAlt">Go back</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1DAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D5.JPG">
<passage go-to="1D6">Keep looking around</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1D6]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Pusu"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1D6.JPG">
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
“Uncle Di’s house is this immaculate wunderkammer of Chinese post-socialist obsession with consumables, trinkets and souvenirs of future prosperity. If asked about it, he vehemently denies any allegation of compulsive collecting: ‘This is all my great daughter’s doing. I’m keeping with my 朴素 lifestyle, this is how I was raised.’”.
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="1" end="true">
Fieldnotes, 04/12/2007
<passage go-to="1DAlt">Go back</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Chunjie"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="phoneNumberZhangCuifen"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1E.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">
“I do! When they told me they’d found a job for you in the city I was reminded of this good friend of mine, Zhang Cuifen. She moved to Beijing back in the 80s, as soon as the opening reforms started. She was here last year during 春节. Here’s her number, call her up if you like.”
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" end="true">
[Zhang Cuifen's phone number has been added to your inventory]
<passage go-to="1EB">“How’s life? Will you be going to church later?”</passage>
<inventory-test item="seendaduncle">
<passage go-to="1D">“I go see Dad, auntie, thanks!”</passage>
<passage go-to="1G">“I’m going to have a walk around the village before it’s too late”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1G]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Xinyongshe"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1E.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">
“Church, don’t be a fool! There’s no time for that! We just got back from the corn fields. This weather’s not helping; it isn’t raining enough! And the other day at the 信用社, the rural credit cooperative, what a joke!”
<passage go-to="1E1">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1E.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">
“Can I have one?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">
“Shhh! Don’t tell your father I’m smoking! He wouldn’t be happy if he found out about this”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1EB">“How’s life? Will you be going to church later?”</passage>
<inventory-test item="seendaduncle">
<passage go-to="1D">“I go see Dad, auntie, thanks!”</passage>
<passage go-to="1G">“I’m going to have a walk around the village before it’s too late”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1G]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Laobaixing"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1E1.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">
“Everything has become for profit and now they won’t even give us credit! To us, the 老百姓! Can you believe it ? They say we’re insolvent, that it doesn’t make sense to lend us money. But if rural credit doesn’t go to rural people, who else should get it?"
<passage go-to="1EAlt">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1EAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1E.JPG">
<inventory-test item="seenchurch">
<passage go-to="1F">“I’m off to church auntie”</passage>
<passage go-to="1D">“I go see Dad, auntie, thanks!”</passage>
<passage go-to="1G">“I’m going to have a walk around the village before it’s too late”</passage>
<passage go-to="1ECAlt">Talk to woman on the right</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1ECAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1E.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">
“Can I have one?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">
“Shhh! Don’t tell your father I’m smoking! He wouldn’t be happy if he found out about this”</dialogue>
<inventory-test item="seenchurch">
<passage go-to="1F">“I’m off to church auntie”</passage>
<inventory-test item="seendaduncle">
<passage go-to="1D">“I go see Dad, auntie, thanks!”</passage>
<passage go-to="1G">“I’m going to have a walk around the village before it’s too late”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1G]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Mianzi Gongcheng"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">“Kid, the Party Secretary is inside the church waiting for you. Don’t make him wait, he’s a very busy official you know! ” - “Oh yeah, very busy jumping from one 面子工程 to the next!” - “Angry Sun, focus on the game! You’re already losing big time, and the Party Secretary is a way better player than you’ll ever be...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1FC">“Can I play with you guys?”</passage>
<passage go-to="1F1">"Thanks, I’ll go see him now”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1F1]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" end="true">For Thy promise to our forefathers was precisely this:
Abraham and his descendants forever Thy Lord will favour.
<passage go-to="1FA">Talk to the card players</passage>
<passage go-to="1FC">“Can I play with you guys?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1F1]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Wubaohu"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Lingdao"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Laoban"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F1.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">“Oh, you’re here, finally! I’m supervising some of the work this church is doing with the 五保户 family — the neediest — in this village. They’re doing a great job, but lack resources. I’ll bring this up with the county’s 领导 at the next branch conference for sure!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1F2">“老板, I’m just here for that reference letter...”</passage>
<passage go-to="1F1A">“My family used to get the 五保 subsidies once, but not anymore...”</passage>
<passage go-to="1AAlt">“I’m actually late, I should go now”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1AAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" end="true">
[<random-outcome min="-30" max="30"></random-outcome> RMB]
<passage go-to="1F1">"Thanks, I’ll go see him now”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F2.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">“Here’s the letter Peng, take this to the Police Station once you’ve reached Fengtai. I can’t be sure what rules will apply to you once you’re there — they keep on changing! — but know this: you won’t have an easy time in the city. From residency to healthcare, you’ll have to make your way through the cracks in the system. This letter may help you find some allies in the city, though...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1F1Alt">Take the letter</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1F1Alt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F1.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">“Don’t blame me for that, young Peng. Your family fell through the net because of the new policy’s amended eligibility requirements. You share this fate with half of the families living here"</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1F2Alt">“老板, I’m just here for that reference letter...”</passage>
<passage go-to="1AAlt">“I’m actually late, I should go now”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1AAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1A.JPG">
<passage go-to="1D">Go to Dad and uncle Di</passage>
<inventory-test item="seenauntie">
<passage go-to="1E">Go to your auntie</passage>
<passage go-to="1G">Take a final tour of the village</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1G]]--><inventory-auto-add item="letter"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F1Alt.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" end="true">[the letter has been added to your inventory]</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1F1AAlt">“My family used to get the 五保 subsidies once, but not anymore...”</passage>
<passage go-to="1AAlt">“I’m actually late, I should go now”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1AAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F1.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">“Don’t blame me for that, young Peng. Your family fell through the net because of the new policy’s amended eligibility requirements. You share this fate with half of the families living here"</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1AAlt">“I’m actually late, I should go now”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1AAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F2.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">“Here’s the letter Peng, take this to the Police Station once you’ve reached Fengtai. I can’t be sure what rules will apply to you once you’re there — they keep on changing! — but know this: you won’t have an easy time in the city. From residency to healthcare, you’ll have to make your way through the cracks in the system. This letter may help you find some allies in the city, though...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1F1Alt2Letter">Take the letter</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1F1Alt2Letter]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F1Alt.JPG">
<passage go-to="1AAlt">“I’m actually late, I should go now”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1AAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1G1.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">“Old Ma, you having a walk?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“I’m taking the little water we have left to water my private plot. Yesterday I didn’t even have tap water at home, luckily Meng Rong was around to help! You going? Mind your way, young Peng!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1G2">Keep on walking</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1G2]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1G2.JPG">
<passage go-to="1G3">Follow the trail to the hills</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1G3]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1G3.JPG">
<passage go-to="1G4">Follow the trail to the hills</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1G4]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1G4.JPG">
<passage go-to="1G5">Follow the trail to the hills</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="1" auto-next=true>
“An Qiyuan, an official from Shaanxi Province, definitely had a point when he said that the Beijing Olympics were at fault for causing severe water shortages to farmers and businesses in the North-West.
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="2" auto-next=true>
In 2008, Lingshui — much closer to Beijing than Shaanxi — was indeed experiencing something similar, with local water being diverted to the capital to meet an Olympics-driven, upward-curving demand, with locals being sanctioned for drilling new water wells.
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="3" auto-next=true>
‘Farming has just become too unprofitable an enterprise, the price of vegetables has been dropping since the ‘90s, we are now better off living on remittances only’, one Lingshui farmer said. ‘Today’s China has little space for villages like ours, we are doomed to disappear’, another commented.”
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="4" auto-next=true>
Fieldnotes, 27/02/2008
<passage go-to="1G6">Back to Peng's walk</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!-- [[1G6]] --><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1G6.JPG">
<passage go-to="1G7">Follow the trail to the hills</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1G7]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1G7.JPG">
<passage go-to="1G8">Follow the trail to the hills</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1G8]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1G8.JPG">
<passage go-to="1G9">Follow the trail to the hills</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Duilian"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Menshen"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Lequ"></item>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">
“You see, here in the village our doors are covered in 对联 and 门神. We wrap our houses in augural scrolls and spirit guardians because we are twice afraid: afraid of leaving home and afraid of what could get in if we leave our doors open.
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="2" auto-next="true">
People are afraid of being envied if they are wealthy or ashamed of their living conditions if poor. Many still fear spirits. [...] People here are old and afraid, but where they see danger, I see 自由, freedom. I tell them, instead of closing ourselves in let’s invite people from outside, people from the city, people like you.
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="3" auto-next="true">
They will bring prosperity and give you more free time to do something new with yourself. Look at me: I drive my own car, I have people staying at mine. My life is full of 乐趣"
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="4" end="true">
Peng’s Dad, Interview n.8, 9/02/2008
<passage go-to="1G10">Back to Peng's walk</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!-- [[1G10]] --><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1G10.JPG">
<passage go-to="1G11">Follow the trail to the hills</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1G11]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Xiaodi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1G11.JPG">
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">After he had taken his decision to go to Beijing, Peng and I still spent many evenings together in Lingshui.</dialogue>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">We would talk our nights away, door closed, the TV turned down to low volume. One day Mr Feng called: he was ready to have Peng in Beijing. Yet, Peng was hesitant to go.</dialogue>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="2" auto-next="true"> “小弟, are you thinking of leaving tomorrow morning?”, I asked him once. “No, not tomorrow.” - “But when, then ?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="3" auto-next="true">“老去儿, let me get a little older before I go”, he responded.</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1H">It’s time to go</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1H]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Hubing"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1H.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">“Time to go. I’m sure you’re gonna miss my 糊饼. Take some of it for the trip!”
<passage go-to="1H1">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1H1]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Nongming Hukou"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1H1.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">"When I was your age, we couldn’t get out of the village; our 农业户口, our rural registration, would prevent it. The commune was the end of it. It was tough back in those days. Be happy my son, it’s the beginning of a better future for us all!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1H1A">“I know Dad. I’m actually pretty excited, the village is so boring, after all”</passage>
<passage go-to="2A">Stay silent</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Litu bulixiang"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1H1.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" end="true">“It might be boring, but this is where your family belongs. As they say,离土不离乡: you can give up farming but you should keep in touch with your native place.”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2A">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
full screen video example, the src should be the youtube ID from the URL. I.e. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuzcXsqiVX0 << just copy the last part after the equals.
'transition-to' is the passage will be redirected to at the end of the video.
<fullscreen-video src="CxzPralQ1DI" transition-to="2A"></fullscreen-video>
<set-location id="fengtai" />
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" end="true">I hope this is the right stop. This place looks pretty bleak...</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Abus">Ask the Bus Driver</passage>
<passage go-to="2Aright">Ask the man on the right</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Aright]]--><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<wallet-test minimum="25">
<true><passage go-to="somewhere">you have more than 25</passage></true>
<false><passage go-to="somewhere">you have less than 25</passage></false>
<%= s.menu %><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<inventory-test item="picture">
<true><passage go-to="somewhere">true link</passage></true>
<false><passage go-to="somewhere">false link</passage></false>
<%= s.menu %><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<dialogue type="update" id="0">
A link
<passage go-to="psg">a passage</passage>
<%= s.menu %><inventory-auto-add item="letter"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene1/1F1Alt.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" end="true">[the letter has been added to your inventory]</dialogue>
<passage go-to="1AAlt">“I’m actually late, I should go now”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[1AAlt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">“Hey boss, is this Fengtai?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“Sure it is, or at least a piece of it…”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Aright">Ask the man on the right</passage>
<passage go-to="2Alook">Look around</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Aright]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Jingxicun"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">“老儿, is this Fengtai?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“It may well be, but that’s not what we call it; it’s name is 京西村“</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Aright1">“But it’s still in Beijing right? Why do you call it that?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2Aright2">“I’m looking for my cousin Feifei, a textile factory worker, do you know him?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Aright2]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">What’s this building?... I see a lot of phone numbers on the walls… I may actually go inside and ask the owner...
<passage go-to="2A1">Go inside</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">"You can say it is. Beijing people can certainly come here, whereas we’re not usually able to move into Beijing and stay there.You’re in a migrant village, the only place people with an agricultural registration can settle if they want to work in the Capital”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B">Go left</passage>
<passage go-to="2C">Go right</passage>
<passage go-to="2Aright1B">“I’m not sure I know how the registration works...”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Xiaohuoer"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“It does ring a bell...take this road on the right and follow it. He should be playing pool with the other 小伙儿"</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B">Go left</passage>
<passage go-to="2C">Go right</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“Why are you asking me? Go ask 公安!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B">Go left</passage>
<passage go-to="2C">Go right</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B.jpg">
<passage go-to="2B1A">Go back</passage>
<passage go-to="2B1B">Keep on walking</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B1B]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">I see construction workers over there. They might be at the end of their shift, maybe if I follow them I can get to the recreational part of this settlement...and from there to Feifei...</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C1">Follow the workers</passage>
<passage go-to="2Cbillboards">Read the billboards</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A1.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’m looking for someone. His name is Feifei, he’s my cousin. He’s a textile factory worker, tall. Do you know him?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“Thousands of factory workers here, can’t help. But if he’s about your age, they all get together around five to play pool near Anhui Street. Go out and take a left at the crossroad”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2A2">Leave</passage>
<passage go-to="2A1cigarettes">Buy cigarettes</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2A1cigarettes]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A.jpg">
<passage go-to="2ArightFeifei">Talk to the man on the right</passage>
<passage go-to="2B">Go left</passage>
<passage go-to="2C">Go right</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A1.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’ll have a pack of cigarettes”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“What do you want: 中南海 is 8 RMB, 小熊猫 is 15"</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2A1zhongnanhai">中南海</passage>
<passage go-to="2A1xiaoxiongmao">小熊猫</passage>
<passage go-to="2A2">Leave</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A1.jpg">
<wallet-test minimum="8">
<inventory-auto-add item="packofcigaretteszhongnanhai"></item>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-8" max="-8"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[a pack of cigarettes has been added to your inventory]</dialogue></true>
<false><dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“嗬! I haven’t got enough money!”</dialogue></false>
<passage go-to="2A2">Leave</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A1.jpg">
<wallet-test minimum="14">
<inventory-auto-add item="packofcigarettesxiaoxiongmao"></item>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-15" max="-15"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[a pack of cigarettes has been added to your inventory]</dialogue>
<dialogue type="character" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true">"15 for a pack of Xiaoxiongmao? Really? Shouldn’t they cost double that price?"</dialogue>
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">"You’re the type of customer I don’t like, 滚出去!"</dialogue></true>
<false><dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“嗬! I haven’t got enough money!”</dialogue></false>
<passage go-to="2A2">Leave</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’m looking for my cousin Feifei, do you know him?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“I can’t be sure, but if you want to meet anyone you should take the road behind me, the other one is a mess...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B">Go left</passage>
<passage go-to="2C">Go right</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B1A.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" end="true">I’m not sure this is the road I took before...I might be lost</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B2A">Keep on walking</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B2A]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Laomaor"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Ke’ai"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B1B.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">Finally someone to ask about directions...</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Hi there! I think I’m lost, I was looking for my cousin Feifei, do you know him?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“You are not from here uh? Another 老帽儿...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2D1">[walking past] “I have no time for people like you...”</passage>
<passage go-to="2B1Bbumpkin">“I bet you're every bit a country bumpkin as I am...”</passage>
<passage go-to="2B1Bkeai">[ignoring the previous comment] “She is so 可爱!”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B1Bkeai]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B2A.jpg">
<passage go-to="2B3A">Keep on walking</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B3A]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Bendiren"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B3A.jpg">
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">‘In what way is the migrant village different from Lingshui?’ — ‘In what ways? The migrant village is just a big dormitory where people come and go, where dialects you never heard before are spoken all the time and where it’s quite difficult to tell a 外地人from a 本地人.’</dialogue>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true"> ‘For instance, before getting to Jingxicun, I’d always find it strange how Feifei would, after every 春运, make reference to how 出门 had changed his perspective on things. I thought he was being silly. Now I get it, I understand why he would always try to impress us.’</dialogue>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="2" auto-next="true">‘Back in Jingxicun you can’t go around without some Beijingers swearing at you, calling you a 傻帽儿, and taking the piss out of you. That’s something that in Lingshui doesn’t happen. People would keep their mouths shut even if they think the same thing about you’</dialogue>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="3" end="true">[Peng, Interview n.3, 7/02/2008]
<passage go-to="2B4A">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B4A]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B4A.jpg">
<passage go-to="2B5A">"Hi there!"</passage>
<passage go-to="2C">Ignore the kids and keep walking</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B5A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">"I think I’m lost, can you tell me where I can find more people my age?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“You greeted us so I guess you’re not from here. And I’ve also never seen you at school, so you’re definitely not from this part of town, right? You should go in the opposite direction...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B5Aschool">“You go to school here?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2B5Aroad">“So what road should I take?”</passage>
<inventory-test item="packofcigarettesxiaoxiongmao">
<passage go-to="2B5Acigarette">“If you tell me where the textile factory is I’ll give you one [give one cigarette]”</passage>
<inventory-test item="packofcigaretteszhongnanhai">
<passage go-to="2B5Acigarette">“If you tell me where the textile factory is I’ll give you one [give one cigarette ]”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B5Acigarette]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B5A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“Yes, we now go to the new migrant school close to the entrance of Jingxicun. It’s kind of ok but it’s been a long time since I last had to sit through a class for more than an hour...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B5Amean">“What do you mean?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2B5Aroad">“So what road should I take?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B5Aroad]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B5A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“Any direction is fine, except straight ahead. But follow us, we’re going in the same direction.”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C2">Follow the kids</passage>
<passage go-to="2B5Acigarette">"If you tell me where the textile factory is I’ll give you one [give one cigarette ]"</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B5Acigarette]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B5A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">"We can actually sell that back for a 糖三角, I’m starving! Who did you say you were looking for? We can help"</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C3">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B5A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" end="true">“Until last month I was with my grandparents up in the mountains around Huairou, I couldn’t follow my parents to Beijing because my hukou wouldn’t let me attend school there. But in Huairou there were no middle schools. So my friends and I hung around in the village. It was good fun!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B5Aroad">“So what road should I take?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2B3B">“Can you show me your school?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B5Aroad]]--><inventory-auto-add item="beenmigrantschool"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B3B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">"It seems you’ve been running in circles trying to find your cousin? Rumours run fast you know?</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B3Bhelp">“Can you help me with that?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2B3Bknow">“You know me?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B3Bknow]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Duilian"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C2.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">对联? This reminds me of home. It must be some sort of compound where workers rest after work. Feifei has to be here..</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C3">Enter the compound</passage>
<passage go-to="2C2read">Read the job offer on the left</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="metfeifei"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Look who’s finally here! It took you a while eh? Couldn’t you just call me?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“I know, but my phone broke down a couple of days ago and I was trapped in the village with Mum and Dad…”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“No cellphone? Let’s sort this out immediately, you won’t be able to ‘float’ without one…”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C3job">“I’m all set for my new Beijing job, how do I meet Mr Feng?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C3how">“Long time no see Feifei, how are things?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C3content">“You seem content to be here, the migrant village really suits you..”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Liudong renkou"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Suzhi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2D1.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">Why are people so hostile here? I wasn’t expecting anything like this...Maybe the media isn’t that far away from the truth when they say that the 流动人口 have very low 素质, and need to be restrained and civilised if they are to fit into modern China. But does that mean that I’m also one of them? That I’m becoming as rootless and uncouth as people in this migrant village?</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C2">Keep on walking</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Geda"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Ke’ai"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B1B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Not at all, my family have owned land in Fengtai since Beijing was nothing more than a 疙瘩! Then the government bought our land out, and now we own a few shops and flats around here. We’ve shifted from cultivating crops to cultivating real estate! But business is not as good as before migrants like you got here. You people are stingy!"</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2D">Walk away</passage>
<passage go-to="2B1Bkeai">[ignoring the previous comment] “She is so 可爱!”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B1Bkeai]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Xiaopengyou"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B1B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“This kid isn’t even mine. All these 小朋友 come from the nearby migrant school like the kids over there do. It’s a doomed generation really...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B2B">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B2B]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B2B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“School is boring but the market is quite fun, and today we have great watermelons on offer!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B2Bwatermelon">Buy watermelon</passage>
<passage go-to="2B2Bdirections">Ask for direction</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B2Bdirections]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B2B.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="right">How can these kids carry these watermelons all by themselves? They look tasty though...
<wallet-test minimum="3">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-3" max="-3"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<false><dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Oh no, I don't have enough money...”</dialogue></false>
<passage go-to="2B2Bdirections">Ask for directions</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B2Bdirections]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B2B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="right">“Can you tell me where I can find the textile factory? I’m looking for someone. Or at least someone my age who may know this place better?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="right">Someone your age? How old do you think you look? Anyway, go to the school, you’re as boring as the teachers..."</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B3B">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B3B]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B3B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Sure, Peng. I’m one of your cousin’s friends. He’s been speaking quite a lot about your arrival. It’s nice to finally meet you. Come with me”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C2">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C2]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B3B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’m Yining, a friend of your cousin. He speaks quite a lot about you”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B3BknowHelp">“Can you help me find him?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2B3BknowSchool">“Hey Yining, do you go to school here? There’s a lot of kids around in the migrant village...”</dialogue>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2B3BknowSchool]]--> <background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B3B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You’re in a rush, huh? You must really want to see him. Follow me”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C2">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C2]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B3B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’m a teacher. Kids from migrant families would never be able to go to school if it wasn’t for this place"</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B3BknowSchoolWhy">“Why”</passage>
<passage go-to="2B3BknowSchoolTough">“Kids around here seem to have a tough time...”</passage>
<passage go-to="2B3BknowSchoolWish">“I Wish I could help...”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C2">“I’m in a hurry to meet my cousin”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C2]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Zanzhufei"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B3B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Public schools in Beijing ask families to pay enrollment fees and 暂住费. We’re talking thousands of RMB to send your kid to primary school. They can’t afford it. This school is private, paid for by migrants who ‘made it’ in Beijing and costs almost nothing.”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C2">“I’m in a hurry to meet my cousin”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C2]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Kongchao Jiating"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B3B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Yeah, that’s true. Many of them belong to 空巢家庭, and they’re cared for only by their grandparents if they’re lucky! The best we can do is give them a rudimentary education. At the very least, a few language skills and 普通话 is of high priority. They won’t survive without that in today’s China”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C2">“I’m in a hurry to meet my cousin”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="phoneNumberTeacher"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B3B.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You can! When you get a job in town make sure to use China Post’s remittance service! That’s how we usually collect our donations”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[the contact of a school teacher has been added to your inventory]</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C2">“I’m in a hurry to meet my cousin”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C2]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2D.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">This man, looks like... he’s my uncle Li</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Uncle? Is it you? I’m Peng, your nephew!”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Mmmm? Who? Leave me alone, I’m trying to work here...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Dwork">"You don’t recognise me, uncle? What’s this work you’re doing, anyway?"</passage>
<inventory-test item="picture">
<passage go-to="2DA">“Look! This is a picture that we took years ago back in Lingshui! Do you remember me now?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2DA]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Getihu"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2D.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Collecting rubbish pays 0.6 RMB per bottle. And where there are migrants there’s rubbish. It’s a great way to make ends meet. Beijing’s rents are going through the roof”
<passage go-to="2DworkWhy">“Why are you doing this? Dad said you own your own business, a 个体户!”</passage>
<passage go-to="2D1">“I’m sorry, I must have mistaken you for someone else. Goodbye”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="metuncledi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2DA.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Young Peng, 好久不见! You’ve become so tall! How could I recognise you!? It’s been five years already!”
<passage go-to="2DAhappened">“Uncle, what happened to you, to your business?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2DAeaten">“Uncle I’m so glad to have run into you! Have you eaten already?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Pianzi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2D.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Who are you? Why are you asking? There are always people around who pretend to be friendly but they’re just 骗子”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2DA">[if Peng has the picture from 1D2→] “Look! This is a picture that we took years ago back in Lingshui! Do you remember me now?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2D1">“I’m sorry, I must have mistaken you for someone else. Goodbye”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2DA.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“That’s a long story Peng, but the gist of it is that the decision of 下海 was a good one only in the beginning. Then the government withdrew my licence, claiming that I hadn’t paid my taxes. But of course that was only a scam to get me and my clothing business out of the Fengtai market before migrants would inflate demand..."</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2DAhappenedComeback">"But you can come back! There’s always Uncle Di’s land. You can’t stay here all by yourself, collecting rubbish!"</passage>
<passage go-to="2DAhappenedRisks">“Dad always said that you were taking too many risks with your business. You should come back to Lingshui”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2DA.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Come. I’ll take you somewhere good...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2F">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Huasheng bocai"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Mayi shangshu"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Biangbiang mian"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2F.jpg">
<passage go-to="2Ftwo">花生菠菜 2 RMB</passage>
<passage go-to="2Ffour">蚂蚁上树 4 RMB</passage>
<passage go-to="2Fsix">彪彪面 6 RMB</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Fulitian"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2DA.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">"The family land? Peng, you’re big enough to understand that our land is little more than 福利田! A family can’t survive on that alone"</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2DAhappenedScare">“You’re scaring me! Don’t you know this is my first day of work in Beijing?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2DAeaten">“Enough of that. Have you eaten yet”
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Gaolidai"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2DA.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">”Back to Linghsui? Impossible. I still owe money to 高利贷 there, they’d beat me up big time!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2DAhappenedScare">“You scare me like that! Don’t you know this is my first day of work in Beijing?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2DAeaten">“Enough of that, Have you eaten already?”
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2DA.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Wanna be more scared? Follow me. I have more horror stories of work away from home”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2E">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="been2E"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2E.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">Worker’s rights are a scam! They treat you like a disposable tool and nothing more!"</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Ewhy">“What’s happening here? Why are they so angry?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2Erights">“Workers' rights?”</passage>
<inventory-test item="metfeifei">
<passage go-to="2C4"><em>It doesn’t feel quite right to be here, I’d better be going now</em></passage>
<passage go-to="2C2"><em>It doesn’t feel quite right to be here, I’d better be going now</em></passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1.jpg">
<passage go-to="2C1talk">Talk with the lads on the left</passage>
<passage go-to="2C1A">Bother the player on the right</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">Phone numbers...Satellite TV on offer...information on how to donate money in support of indigent students at the local school...that’s interesting!</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C1">Follow the workers</passage>
<passage go-to="2B3C">Follow the directions to the school</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="beenmigrantschool"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B3C.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">“Hi there! Is this the local School?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true">“Yes! This is Jingxi Migrant School! Are you a new student?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B3Cremind">“It reminds me of my school in Zhaitang”</passage>
<passage go-to="2B3B">“Can someone help me find my cousin?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2B3C.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“It can’t be the same! It only looks nice from the outside. We don’t even have chairs or writing boards! But the teachers are nice!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2B3B">“Can someone help me find my cousin?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">“Can you spare a moment guys? I’m looking for someone”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true">“With that accent you must be from the north. Who are you looking for?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C1talkLooking">“I’m looking for someone named Feifei”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C1talkOffer">“I’m new here and wanted to see what’s on offer...”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“This is not the right time my friend...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C1Aseen">“Have you seen my cousin Feifei?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C1Abet">“5 RMB if you can get the number 12 in the hole with your first shot”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Feifei? You must be his cousin! He was here a moment ago, but had to rush back to work, I think. Take the road behind us”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C2">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Xuehan"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“On offer? The only thing on offer here is 血汗! Are you looking for a job in textiles?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C1talkOfferYes">“Yes”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C1talkOfferNo">“No”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Batou"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Well I’m not a 把头 so I’m the wrong person to ask, but you should go talk to the workers who recently got laid-off from Fengtai’s main factory. I guess they would advise against it”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2E">Talk to the workers</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Mmmm...I’m not sure I can help you then, can I?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C1A">Bother the player on the right</passage>
<passage go-to="2C1talkLooking">“I’m looking for someone named Feifei”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C1talkLooking]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Leng xiaozi"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Gonghui"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“He’s been kind of busy these days. He’s too much of a 愣小子. He’s getting involved with the 工会, you know?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C1AseenUnion">“Union, I don’t know anything about that...”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C1AseenHeadstrong">“He’s always been pretty headstrong”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Alright then...”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome range="-5,5"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C1talkAlt">Go back</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C1talkAlt]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Gongtou"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“f Feifei is your 工头 I’d advise you to take what you need from him and leave, he’s gonna get you in big trouble.”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Gotcha! Can you tell me where he is?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C2">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Xiguan"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1A.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Headstrong or not, he’s taking industrial action too seriously. Why can’t he just quit and take a job somewhere else? For me, he’s too weak to 习惯. Anyways, he went that way”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C2">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C2.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">2000 RMB a month for a crane driver? 1200 for manual work? Are they serious? I’ve never seen all that money together in my life! Imagine what I could do with it...</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C3">Enter the compound</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="anjiafei"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Don’t rush things, you wanna leave without seeing my wife and all the others? Besides, Mr Feng has been quite cautious about your 安家费...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C3jobMean">“What does that mean?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C3jobAsap">“Forget about technicalities, I want to be on my way ASAP, I don’t like this place to be honest...”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Things have been a bit hectic over the past few years. But I feel ok now, and with a purpose”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C3howPurpose">“What purpose?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C3howFamily">“You mean your son and family...”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You’re right, there're lots of older migrants here, from the first generation, that can’t really get used to this kind of life...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C3contentWhy">“Why?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C3contentDifferent">“Your Dad says there’s little for us back home, that we're different”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“How do you think you got a job in Beijing, Peng? I had to pull lots of strings and now I’m officially responsible for you! Where are you going to stay once you’re there? Who’s gonna pay for your trip? Mr Feng has to send over money so I can cover for your travel expenses”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C4">“Understood. Let’s go see family then”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C3jobMeanDependant">“I don’t like the idea of being dependant on you”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Ziyou"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Xiaodi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">"What’s not to like about this place 小弟, here you can have the 自由 you’ve been looking for!"</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Meaning…”
<inventory-test item="been2E">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true"> "Meaning that I’ve never felt more in the thick of things than I do since I started working here. You know, I’m attending 活动 with the union now. Let me introduce you to someone I know..."</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Meaning that I’ve never felt more in the thick of things than I do since I started working here. You know, I’m attending 活动 with the union now. Let me introduce you to someone I know...”</dialogue>
<inventory-test item="been2E">
<passage go-to="2C5">...</passage>
<passage go-to="2E">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Majiang"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C4.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">It’s so nice to see all of them together...
<passage go-to="2C4jade">“That must be Little Jade, isn’t she cute!”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C4off">“So I’ll soon be off to Beijing...”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C4play">“Can I play a round of 麻将 with you?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Let’s talk it through ok?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C5">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C5]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C5.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’m sure that you’re pretty keen on commencing your new life in Beijing straight away. Mr Feng should work as a contact for now, Peng, but I want to be sure that you’re prepared for what comes next...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C5cryptic">“You’re so cryptic today. Speak your mind”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C5worry">“You worry too much about me, let me go and see for myself”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’ve become a union member, we do a lot of stuff with workers' rights and minimum wage. We usually get the 公安 breathing down our necks, though. Let me tell you more about it”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C5">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="antu zhongqian"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“On that side of things I couldn’t be happier, you know from this part of the family we’ve never been too 安土重迁”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C4">“I’d like to meet them”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Dagong"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Most of them are in construction, they’re largely unschooled and migrate to support their family back in Anhui or somewhere else. They’re fundamentally unable to get attached to a new place, to make roots. My friend and I, we’re different, we found purpose in the city. And besides, we wouldn't even know how to run a farm. So many of the previous generation of migrants go back home after a few years of 打工. I could never do that.”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C5">“You've gotten my attention”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C4">“I’m not sure I’m following you. Should we go see your family?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Mingqiang yiduo, anjian nanfang"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Qianli zhixing, shiyu zuxia"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I think he’s right, and that’s why I’m pressing him to transfer his land back to the Village Committee and come to stay with me here. That land is earning him nothing. And you should think the same, there’s no place for us in Lingshui anymore, we don’t even know how to take care of the land!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C3contentDifferentDevil">“As they say, 明枪易躲, 暗箭难防, better the devil you know”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C3contentDifferentJourney">“As they say,千里之行, 始於足下, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You’re so nostalgic Peng. Ok, let’s go see family”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C4">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C4]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C3.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Exactly. Let me show what could be in store for you”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C5">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C5]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2E.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“We work in a nearby factory, we haven’t received a raise in our salaries since 2005, rents are skyrocketing in Fengtai and work hours per day are just getting longer! How are we supposed to go on like this?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2EwhyMove">“Can’t you just move to another employer?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2EwhyLaw">“But that’s surely against the law!”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2E.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Tell me about it! The only right we have is to work longer hours for less remuneration per hour. Me and my comrade here haven’t had a day off in months”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2EwhyMove">“Can’t you just move to another employer?”</passage>
<passage go-to="2EwhyLaw">“But that’s surely against the law!”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2E.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“That may be easy for people your age, but for us? We have neither education nor the skills to find better jobs in today’s job market. We have to keep fighting for the only one we’ve got”</dialogue>
<inventory-test item="metfeifei">
<passage go-to="2C4">“Hope that something good for you will come out of this”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C2">“Hope that something good for you will come out of this”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="lawyer"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2E.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">"It’d be against the law if we had a contract, which we’ve never had! Let me give you some advice: whatever job you find in Beijing, ask for a contract! Take the number of this person. She’s a public interest lawyer, she might help you figure out how to best protect your interests.”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" end="true">
[the lawyer's contact has been added to your inventory]
<inventory-test item="metfeifei">
<passage go-to="2C5">...</passage>
<passage go-to="2C2">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2C2]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C1.jpg">
<passage go-to="2C1talkLooking">“I’m looking for someone named Feifei”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="littlejade"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C4.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">That’s right! A proper second-generation migrant, born in Beijing but ‘paperless’!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C4jadePaperless">“Paperless?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C4.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Good luck on that young Peng, may your days of 打工 be short and those of 工作 plenty! Remember to register with the police first! Don’t forget what happened to Feifei last time...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Map">"Thank you"</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C4.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-20" max="20"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<inventory-test item="littlejade">
<passage go-to="2C4jade">“That must be Little Jade, isn’t she cute!”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C4off">“So I’ll soon be off to Beijing...”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Majiang"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C4.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“The municipality does not recognise her right to reside in Beijing. Being a migrant in China is a sort of hereditary disease, you pass it on to your offspring”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2C4off">“So I’ll soon be off to Beijing...”</passage>
<passage go-to="2C4play">“Can I play a round of 麻将 with you?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Chiku"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Dage"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C5.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“From now on you’re on your own. You’ll feel responsible for the opportunity given to you and to your family. You’ll feel that you’ll have to 吃苦. But don’t forget this: you should work for yourself and your future family as much as for the one you already have. And if you feel like this new job doesn’t satisfy you, you don’t have to go back to the village. There’s always gonna be a place for you here in Jingxicun”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Map">“Thanks 大哥. I’m ready to leave now” </passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Dage"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2C5.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Perhaps you’re right. I’m sure you’ll find your way. Make sure that you’re happy with your work and that the job is paid for, ok? Don’t just think about what you’ve left behind. Now, away with you!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Map">“Thanks 大哥. I’m ready to leave now” </passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2F.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">I never had anything like that! So good!</dialogue>
<wallet-test minimum="2">
<true><dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-2" max="-2"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue></true>
<false><dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Uncle this is on you ok?”</dialogue></false>
<passage go-to="2FTV">Listen to the TV</passage>
<passage go-to="2C1">“It’s time for me to catch up with Feifei”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2F.jpg">
<wallet-test minimum="25">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">I never had anything like that! So good!</dialogue>
<true><dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-4" max="-4"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue></true>
<false><dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Uncle this is on you ok?”</dialogue></false>
<passage go-to="2FTV">Listen to the TV</passage>
<passage go-to="2C1">“It’s time for me to catch up with Feifei”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2F.jpg">
<wallet-test minimum="25">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">I never had anything like that! So good!</dialogue>
<true><dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-6" max="-6"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue></true>
<false><dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Uncle this is on you ok?”</dialogue></false>
<passage go-to="2FTV">Listen to the TV</passage>
<passage go-to="2C1">“It’s time for me to catch up with Feifei”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Liudong renkou"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene2/2F.jpg">
<dialogue type="character" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">“A migration crisis is hitting Europe. A predicted million migrants are expected to have come ashore by the end of this year. Authorities are trying to curtail access for economic migrants, while processing legitimate asylum applications. The current crisis closely resembles Chinese internal migration, though not in its magnitude. According to a 2000 population survey, 流动人口 numbered 114.4 million. By 2010, that figure had reached 221 million, of whom 160 were rural migrant workers...”
<passage go-to="2F">Order more food</passage>
<passage go-to="2C1">“It’s time for me to catch up with Feifei”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<set-location id="police" />
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AA.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Nothing to see here, move along...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3AAcheckin">“Morning officer, I’m here to check in as a migrant worker in Beijing”</passage>
<passage go-to="3AAnotsure">“I’m not sure I’m in the right place...”</passage>
<inventory-test item="packofcigarettesxiaoxiongmao">
<passage go-to="3AAcigarette">“What about a cigarette together?”</passage>
<inventory-test item="packofcigaretteszhongnanhai">
<passage go-to="3AAcigarette">“What about having a cigarette together?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/map/mapGoTo4options.jpg">
<passage go-to="somewhere">[1] Go to Olympic Park</passage>
<passage go-to="somewhere">[2] Go to Gulou</passage>
<passage go-to="somewhere">[3] Go to the police</passage>
<passage go-to="somewhere">[4] Go to see the lawyer</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AA.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Have you got your papers ready?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Papers?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Your <em>hukou</em> status certificate, your employment contract, papers you know?</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="3" auto-next="true">“I should have all the required documents with me”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="4" auto-next="true">“Good, move down inside the hallway please”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3AB">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3AB]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AA.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Are you kidding me?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3AAnotsureRequest">“I was told that my only option to get accommodation was to file a request with the Beijing Police?”</passage>
<passage go-to="3AAcheckin">“Morning officer, I’m here to check in as a migrant worker in Beijing”</passage>
<inventory-test item="packofcigarettesxiaoxiongmao">
<true><passage go-to="3AAcigarette">(offer one cigarettes)“What about having a cigarette together?”</passage>
<inventory-test item="packofcigaretteszhongnanhai">
<true><passage go-to="3AAcigarette">(offer one cigarettes)“What about having a cigarette together?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Huiluzui"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="policeverboten"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AA.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Do you understand that that could be framed as 贿赂罪? That’s a criminal offence. Away with you”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Map">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Map]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Shenfenzheng"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Nongming Hukou"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AB.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Your 身份证 gives as your full name: Peng Li, 19 years of age, 农业户口... What’s that look on your face, are you afraid of the police? This is not 2003, and your name is not Sun Zhigang...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3ABwho">“Sun who?”</passage>
<passage go-to="3ABrental">“Not at all officer, I’m only curious about whether I’ll have access to any rental options during my time in Beijing”</passage>
<passage go-to="3ABexpect">“I don’t know what to expect”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3ABexpect]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AA.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“That’s right, go inside”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3AB">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AB.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Of course, you’re too young to even remember that case. Well, let me first say it was a case of a gross miscarriage of justice. It occurred when migrants were still sent back to their native places if they didn’t have the right papers with them”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3ABwhoScared">“Now I’m scared.”</passage>
<inventory-test item="letter">
<passage go-to="3ABwhoLetter">“I have a letter from my local authorities that could help”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3ABwhoLetter]]--><inventory-auto-add item="bossunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="donghuiunlocked"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AB.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“That’s unlikely. In Beijing, prices have increased fivefold since the ‘90s, while salaries, especially those of migrants, have been stagnant for a good while. Besides, it will take a while before you can even start applying to change your hukou status to a local one, so for you, public rental is quite impossible.”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Map">“That’s ok, I’m happy to go if that’s fine with you officer”</passage>
<inventory-test item="letter">
<passage go-to="3ABwhoLetter">“I have a letter from my local authorities that could help”</passage>
<inventory-test item="packofcigarettesxiaoxiongmao">
<passage go-to="3ABrentalCigarette">“What about having a cigarette together?”</passage>
<inventory-test item="packofcigaretteszhongnanhai">
<passage go-to="3ABrentalCigarette">“What about having a cigarette together?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Map]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AB.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“There’s been quite some pressure on changing the registration system. Business people say it’s a barrier for skilled labour, others that it helps keep wages low. Than there are others saying it’s against human rights. For what it’s worth, Beijing is loosening up a bit, but you’d still be better off if you applied for status change in a smaller township, like Zhaitang”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3AB1">“I’m here to stay, village life is too boring”</passage>
<passage go-to="3AB1">“Beijing is still the best place to find a job and send money home”</passage>
<inventory-test item="letter">
<passage go-to="3ABwhoLetter">“I have a letter from my local authorities that could help”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3ABrentalCigarette]]--><inventory-auto-add item="bossunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="donghuiunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Zanzhuzheng"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AB.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You shouldn’t be, young Peng, this is just a preliminary meeting to determine your eligibility to be granted a 暂住证. In fact, once your boss has confirmed these details, you’ll be legally allowed to stay in Beijing until the expiration of your contract”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“That’s great! Can I go now?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Feel free to go”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Map">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="bossunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="donghuiunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="policeapproval"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AB.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Let me see. What, really? I was actually waiting for you. You’re lucky kid, you’re entitled to accommodation in Donghuicun. In fact, once your boss confirms these details, you’ll be legally allowed to stay in Beijing until the expiration of your contract. Go check for yourself”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[the police approval has been added to your inventory]
<passage go-to="2Map">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Map]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Huiluzui"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="policeverboten"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AB.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Do you understand that that could be framed as 贿赂罪? That’s a criminal offence. Away with you”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Map">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Map]]--><inventory-auto-add item="bossunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="donghuiunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Zhongdian renkou"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3AB1.jpg">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Your call kid, just stay away from bad influences. A lot of you come here and end up getting involved in petty crime. Believe me, you don’t want us to flag you up as a 重点人口”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Map">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Map]]--><set-location id="lawyer" />
<inventory-auto-add item="bossunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Weiquan Yishi"></item>
<inventory-item-add-remove remove-name="lawyer"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Another young one. Are you here for the 维权意识 session?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3Bwhynot">“Why not? This is my first job in Beijing”</passage>
<passage go-to="3Blegal">“I’m here to ask some legal advice”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3Blegal]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Take one of these handouts and listen closely”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3BA">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3BA]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You are in the right place”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3BlegalJob">“I’m not sure that the job I was promised is a good one"</passage>
<passage go-to="3BlegalCall">“If I were ever to be in trouble, who should I call?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3BlegalCall]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Dierdai nongmingong"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3BA.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You must have been told many times already that you are 第二代农民工. From this, you might infer that you’re better than those who came before you. Better educated, better prepared, better paid. Well, think again”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true">“One way in which employment conditions can be measured is by looking at labour contracts. First, very few of you have one. In 2015 only 36.2 per cent of all migrant workers had signed a labour contract with their employer. Why? Not having you undersign a contract makes you cheaper and easier to get rid of”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3BB">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3BB]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Hexie laodong guanxi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“The problem is you can never know. But be ready: your boss will talk a lot about 和谐劳动关系, but stay on point and ask for a contract, ok? No matter how bad the contract looks, it’s still something you can hold onto when stuff eventually gets nasty”
<passage go-to="3BA">Take the rights awareness session</passage>
<passage go-to="2Map">Leave</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Map]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Zhonghua Quanguo Zonggonghui"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’m afraid to tell you that apart from people like me, you’ll find very little help outside. The 中华全国总工会 has something like a mediating role rather than representing its members’ interests. Many say that it’s just like another state department. Keep your mind on securing a contract and come back should you have any trouble”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3BA">Take the rights awareness session</passage>
<passage go-to="2Map">Leave</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Map]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Yijiaotoupiao"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3BB.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Second, wages. Now that there’s so much that can be bought cheaply on the market, the few RMB you are given feel like a fortune. It may be interesting for you to know that migrants earn on average 300 RMB less than a local graduate on their first contract, regardless of skills and expertise</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true">Sure, you say, but what about the added value of flexibility? We can always 一脚投票 if we don’t like it somewhere. Again, think again. Without a contract you’re not eligible for state benefits or health insurance. You’ll be forced to work overtime just to earn enough money to leave your current job”
<passage go-to="3BC">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3BC.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Remember: your contract is the only way you have to claim your rights. No one will claim them for you. Foreign corporations will try their best not to give you a single day off. Local governments have shares in businesses that profit from casualizing labour. Even your fellow citizens won’t care: a recent survey showed that many people believe that employers should not be expected to contribute to their employees’ health insurance"
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true">“Do whatever it takes to get a contract”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3BD">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3B.JPG">
<passage go-to="2Map">“I'm off now”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Map]]--><set-location id="olympic" />
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3C.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">Auntie’s friend said she’d meet me at the south entrance of the Olympic Park</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3CA">Go left</passage>
<passage go-to="3CB">Go right</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3CB]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CA.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">I’ve never seen anything like it...</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3CA1">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3CA1]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CB.JPG">
<passage go-to="3CB1">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3CB1]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CA1.JPG">
<passage go-to="3CA2">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3CA2]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CA2.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">Oh...great picture spot! It’d be nice to take a picture to show back home</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3CA2photo">Ask for help</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3CA2photo]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CB1.JPG">
<inventory-test item="metuncledi">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">She reminds me of my uncle back in the migrant village</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3CB1help">“Hi, can I help you out with that?”</passage>
<passage go-to="3CD">Walk past</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3CD]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CA2.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You want a picture of you in front of the Bird’s Nest? It’s 5 RMB”
<passage go-to="3CA2photoOk">"Ok"</passage>
<passage go-to="3CD">"No, thanks"</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3CD]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CA2.JPG">
<wallet-test minimum="5">
<inventory-auto-add item="souvenir"></item>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-5" max="-5"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[the souvenir has been added to your inventory]</dialogue>
<inventory-auto-add item="Baizi"></item>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“How can I be such a 败子!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3CD">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CD.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">“Zhang Cuifen, is that you?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true">“Hi Peng, you came! You grew up to look just like your auntie! Come, I’ve been told you’re on your first day in Beijing!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3CDeasy">“Is it easy to live in Beijing?”
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3CDeasy]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CB1.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Help? Not at all. But you may have some plastic to sell back to me, I buy at 0.3 RMB”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3CD">“I’m sorry, I don’t” </passage>
<inventory-test item="charm"><true>
<passage go-to="3CB1helpCharm">“I don’t. But if you recycle plastic, I have this plastic charm from back home that I have no need for...”
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CB1.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’ll take it, here 2 RMB.”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="2" max="2"></random-outcome>
<passage go-to="3CD">Leave</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3CD]]--><inventory-auto-add item="phoneNumberZhangHui"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Tiewanfan"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CD.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Easy? I wouldn’t say that. When I first got here people’s 铁碗饭 had just been smashed! It was a very difficult time: the first generation of migrants had just been allowed to settle in Beijing and work in construction and textile, we would sleep on the shopfloor. Anyway, my niece Zhang Hui, do you remember her? She lives in town now, you should call her up one of these days”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" end="true">
[Zhang Hui's phone number has been added to your inventory]
<passage go-to="3CDeasyYou">“Is it any better for you now?”</passage>
<passage go-to="3CDeasyBeijing">“Is it any better in Beijing now?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3CDeasyBeijing]]--><inventory-auto-add item="bossunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="donghuiunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Sanwurenyuan"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Xiaokang Shehui"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CD.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">““I survived through the 90s and the 2000s, when the police would regularly round migrants up and send them back to their natal villages. Many think that there are secret jails holding large numbers of surplus migrants”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“How did you manage to get through all of that?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Easy: I wasn’t a 三无人员, I had all my papers in good order. It’s ironic, though, that I now work as a cleaner in the Olympic park. They always did “clean-ups” before important showcase events, like the Olympics! You should go to Donghui, the migrant village where I’m staying now. It’s comfortable. There are ways for you to have your own personal 小康社会 there”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Map">“Thanks” </passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[2Map]]--><inventory-auto-add item="bossunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="donghuiunlocked"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Chengbaoren"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Xiaokang Shehui"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3CD.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“When I first got here, I could easily get on a local hukou because the part of town I was living in hadn’t been absorbed into Beijing municipality yet. That exempted me from forced relocation when the entire neighbourhood was wiped out by urban developers”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“How is it to work in the Olympic Park?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Working here? It’s just a temporary location for us, I’m a 承包人 working for another company. We’ll move back to Chaoyang for the next job. Not so many perks I’m afraid, but I’m in good company! You should go to Donghui, the migrant village where I’m staying now. It’s comfortable. There are ways for you to have your own personal 小康社会 there”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="2Map">“Thanks” </passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/map/mapPassage.jpg">
<inventory-test item="phoneNumberZhangCuifen">
<passage go-to="3C">[1] Go to Olympic Park</passage>
<passage go-to="3D">[2] Go to Gulou</passage>
<inventory-test item="policeverboten">
<passage go-to="3A">[3] Go to the police</passage>
<inventory-test item="lawyer">
<passage go-to="3B">[4] Go to see the lawyer</passage>
<inventory-test item="donghuiunlocked">
<passage go-to="4">[5] Go to Donghui</passage>
<inventory-test item="bossunlocked">
<passage go-to="5">[6] Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<set-location id="gulou" />
<inventory-auto-add item="seengulou"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">Beijing...FINALLY!</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3Dtalk">Talk to man on the right</passage>
<passage go-to="3D1">Look around</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D1]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D1.JPG">
<passage go-to="3D1A">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D1A]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Mmm, well, why not - but I rented it out from those guys back there , I’ll need my 3 RMB back...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3DtalkTryPay">“Sure, here they are”</passage>
<passage go-to="3DtalkTryNo">“No thanks”</passage>
<passage go-to="3DtalkGoodParents">“My parents wouldn’t have the time to do any of this…”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3DtalkGoodParents]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Well, that’s their problem, isn’t it? I did my 25 years in the pit, I deserve everything the State can provide me with: pension, subsidies, the whole package I’d say. Now leave me alone...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D2">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D2]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D.JPG">
<wallet-test minimum="3">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-3" max="-3"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<false><dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">“嗬! I haven’t got enough money!”</dialogue></false>
<passage go-to="3DtalkGoodParents">“My parents wouldn’t have the time to do any of this…”
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3DtalkGoodParents]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Siheyuanr"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D2.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">
I don’t quite feel like talking to anyone here, but this old man seems friendly and his house looks a bit like mine in Lingshui...
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Hi there, your house looks like one of the old courtyard houses we have in the Jingxi!”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Yes, boy, it’s a 四合院儿 exactly like those in Zhaitang. There are very few left now in Beijing. You might wonder how someone old like me can possibly afford to leave somewhere so central in the city, right?”
<passage go-to="3D2mean">“What do you mean?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D2mean]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D.JPG">
<passage go-to="3DtalkGoodParents">“My parents wouldn’t have the time to do any of this…”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3DtalkGoodParents]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D.JPG">
<passage go-to="3DtalkGood">“You are very good with that thing”</passage>
<passage go-to="3DtalkIdling">“I didn’t expect to see so many people idling about...”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3DtalkIdling]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Duanlian shenti"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You talking to me? Well, thanks. I have plenty of free time and it’s a good way to 锻炼身体...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3DtalkGoodTry">“Can I have a try?”</passage>
<passage go-to="3DtalkGoodParents">“My parents wouldn’t have the time to do any of this...”
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3DtalkGoodParents]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Tuixiu"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“We are enjoying our 退休, young man...Please go annoy someone else”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D1">Look around</passage>
<passage go-to="3D2">Leave</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D1]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D1A.JPG">
<passage go-to="3D1B">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D1B]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Renao"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="anjing"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D1B.JPG">
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
“What did you think of Beijing on your first day there?” -- “I thought it was very 热闹, but also very quiet at the same time. You’d be, like, what? Beijing? 安静? But I mean this in a specific way. There are places in the city where life seems to flow very slowly and calmly and happily. Think of the elders in Beijing: they have lots going on for themselves in their life. In the village, they either work in the fields or are too tired to leave their houses and their family has to take care of them. It’d be great if my parents could grow old like that...”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">Peng, Interview n.4, 9/02/2008</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D2">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D2]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Chaiqian"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D2.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’m one hundred per cent a Beijinger, I have lived in this city all my life, but I’ve been relocated three times already in the past ten years. Every year someone from the government comes down here telling me that I have to move to a different neighbourhood because of their crazy 拆迁 schemes...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D2A">“You ended up pretty well, I dare say”</passage>
<passage go-to="3D2B">“Do they give compensation?”</passage>
<inventory-test item="charm">
<passage go-to="3D2charm">“I was rather thinking of going to a nearby temple, I made a promise to my uncle...”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D2charm]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Wenhua yichan"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Xiaohuoer"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D2A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You should have a look inside and judge for yourself! I’d rather go somewhere north, Huairou perhaps, if I could pick up a place for myself! But no, they want to keep us around. It’s all carrot and stick, you see? They keep some old bricks and folks like me around to show foreigners that Beijing has its own long history. To them, we’re not people, we’re 文化遗产"</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“You get that , at least. In Lingshui, no one would give us a penny to stay.”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Forget about that, 小伙儿, life won’t get any easier for people like us”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="3" auto-next="true">“I have to leave now, goodbye”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D4">Go for a tea</passage>
<passage go-to="3D5">Go for a phone call</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[5]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Dibao"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Ruoshi Qunti"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D2B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Compensation? That’s never enough, given the prices around here. But you know what’s their real secret to keeping us calm? It’s the 低保 insurance we’re automatically registered for”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“How so? That seems a good thing!”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">““I’m old, and everyone around here is considered 弱势群体, right? Well, they fatten us up with all these subsidies and try to keep us out of work and out of view. We are good citizens as long as we keep to ourselves and do nothing! I would go back to my old garment business if they allowed me. I have the energy for it , but they would take my subsidies and my home if I did”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D2C">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D2C]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Zhenzhu Naicha"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">““Fancy a 珍珠奶茶 to make your day sparkle?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D4A">“Yes thanks”</passage>
<passage go-to="3D4job">“No, thanks, I was more interested in the job opening”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Xianqi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D5.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">This stupid mobile is out of credit...let’s try here</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D5call">“Can I make a phone call?”</passage>
<passage go-to="3D5A">“Hey, I see there’s someone playing 象棋 here”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D5A]]--><set-location id="boss" />
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/5.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">I should be almost there...Mr Feng’s office is opposite to Tian’anmen.</dialogue>
<passage go-to="5_1A">Keep walking</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D2.JPG">
<passage go-to="3D2Cleave">“I see, I should go now”</passage>
<passage go-to="3D2Clucky">“You should consider yourself lucky”</passage>
<inventory-test item="seenmigrantschool">
<passage go-to="3D2Cdonate">“You should donate some of your money to a migrant school”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D2Cdonate]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D2.JPG">
<passage go-to="3D4">Go for a tea</passage>
<passage go-to="3D5">Go for a phone call</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[5]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Sunzi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D2.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“What? Lucky? You can’t mean that...”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“I just came from a place where people wouldn’t be provided with healthcare, education or shelter. That should put things into perspective”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“You are right 孙子, my apologies”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D4">Go for a tea</passage>
<passage go-to="3D5">Go for a phone call</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[5]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D2.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“That’s up to me to decide, and I donate to a local temple already”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D2Cleave">“I see, I should go now”</passage>
<passage go-to="3D3">“I’d like to visit the temple”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D3]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D3.JPG">
<passage go-to="3D3A">Go left</passage>
<passage go-to="3D3B">Go right</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D3B]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D3A.JPG">
<passage go-to="3D3C">Walk past the gate</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D3C]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D3B.JPG">
<passage go-to="3D3C">Walk past the gate</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D3C]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D3C.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true"> What a marvellous place! And full of people, nothing like Lingshui’s crumbling temple...</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D2Cfull">“This place is full of visitors”</passage>
<inventory-test item="charm">
<passage go-to="3D2Ccharm">“My uncle asked me to take this charm to a temple”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D2Ccharm]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D3C.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You are in the right place, tie it around the trunk of our sacred tree”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D4">Go for a tea</passage>
<passage go-to="3D5">Go for a phone call</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[5]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Qigongren"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D3C.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You’re right, in recent years there’s been a resurgence of people’s interest in traditional thought and philosophies. A few years back Beijing was swept by the so-called 气功热, you could see people practising moving mediation everywhere and at all times of the day!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D3Ccase">“Is that still the case?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Diaosi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D4A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Oh yes! The boss is looking for someone to replace me, I found a better place. But, frankly, I would talk you out of the idea of picking this one up, if you don’t want to be called a 屌丝 by your friends I mean!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D4jobWhy">“Why are you leaving?”</passage>
<passage go-to="3D4jobLeave">“Ok thanks for the advice” </passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D4jobLeave]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Yizu"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D4A.JPG">
<wallet-test minimum="6">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“There you go! The second one is on the house!”
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-6" max="-6"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="2" auto-next="true">“Thanks! I just got in town and your accent isn’t from here”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="3" auto-next="true">“You got me there, I’m from Anhui!”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="4" auto-next="true">I’m from elsewhere too. How do you like your job?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="5" auto-next="true">“It’s pretty decent, I have to say. I meet a lot of people and the pay isn’t too bad. Besides, these are hard times, even for graduates. Have you read 蚁族?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="6" auto-next="true">“What’s that?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="7" auto-next="true">“It’s about a college graduate having a tough time finding jobs, a bit depressing I suppose..."</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="8" auto-next="true">“Ok, don’t ruin my bubble tea time! Goodbye”
<passage go-to="3D5">Go for a phone call</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">Ah, too bad! I don't have enough money...</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D4job">“No, thanks, I was more interested in the job opening”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Yifangwanyi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D4A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Migrant to migrant? Problems with my contract - I haven’t got the right papers to change my hukou status. You should check with the local authorities as well, you know? 以防万一”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D4jobLeave">“Ok thanks for the advice” </passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D4jobLeave]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D4A.JPG">
<passage go-to="3D5">Go for a phone call</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D5.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“It’s 1 RMB per minute national, double for internationals”
<passage go-to="3D5callMom">“Fair enough”
<passage go-to="3D5nevermind">“Nevermind”
<inventory-test item="packofcigarettesxiaoxiongmao">
<passage go-to="3D5cigarette">“I’m penniless at the moment, but what about a fag instead?”</passage>
<inventory-test item="packofcigaretteszhongnanhai">
<passage go-to="3D5cigarette">“I’m penniless at the moment, but what about a fag instead?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D5cigarette]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D5A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" end="true">
[<random-outcome min="0" max="10"></random-outcome> RMB]
<passage go-to="3D5Aplay">Play again</passage>
<passage go-to="3D4">Go for a tea</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[5]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D5.JPG">
<wallet-test minimum="1">
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">“Hello mum?...yes I’m in Beijing, it’s awesome...”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-1" max="-1"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">"Ah, sorry! I don't have enough money..."</dialogue></false>
<passage go-to="3D4">Go for a tea</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[5]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Xianqi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D5.JPG">
<passage go-to="3D5A">“Hey, I see there’s someone playing 象棋 here”</passage>
<passage go-to="3D4">Go for a tea</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[5]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D5.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Sounds ok to me, but make it quick”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Hello mum?...yes I’m in Beijing, it’s awesome...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D4">Go for a tea</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[5]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D5A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" end="true">
[<random-outcome min="0" max="10"></random-outcome> RMB]
<passage go-to="3D5Aplay2">Play again</passage>
<passage go-to="3D4">Go for a tea</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[5]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D5A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" end="true">
[<random-outcome min="0" max="10"></random-outcome> RMB]
<passage go-to="3D4">Go for a tea</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[5]]--><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<dialogue type="update" id="0" end="true">
A test with some text<br><br>
<inventory-test item="hiddenTest">
<true>Some text that will appear if the condition is true</true>
<false>Some text that will appear if the condition is false</false>
<%= s.menu %><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<dialogue type="update" id="0" end="true">
A test with some text<br><br>
<b>BOLD TEXT</b>
<i>italic text</i>
<%= s.menu %><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<set-location id="one" />
<dialogue type="update" id="0" end="true">
text, set map to one
<passage go-to="map2">set map to two</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!-- [[map2]] --><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<set-location id="two" />
<dialogue type="update" id="0" end="true">
text, set map to two
<%= s.menu %><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<set-location id="one" />
<dialogue type="update" id="0" end="true">
The result is <random-outcome min="-10" max="-10"></random-outcome>RMB! Your wallet has been updated. The balance of your wallet is now <wallet></wallet> RMB...
<%= s.menu %><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<wallet-update amount="30">
<dialogue type="update" id="0" end="true">
Wallet amount: <wallet></wallet>
<%= s.menu %><background image="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hp4uqump9yg1lkq/R1035858.JPG?dl=0">
<set-location id="one" />
<dialogue type="update" id="0" end="true">
The result is <random-outcome range="-5,5"></random-outcome>RMB! Your wallet has been updated. The balance of your wallet is now <wallet></wallet> RMB...
<%= s.menu %><inventory-auto-add item="Mixin"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Xiejiao"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D3C.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“There’s been a crackdown on the most public forms of qigong and taiji. People started to be more suspicious of those groups, and the words 迷信 and 邪教 were on everyone’s lips. But that only meant that now people are even more serious about their religious interests and willing to know more.”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D4">Go for a tea</passage>
<passage go-to="3D5">Go for a phone call</passage>
<passage go-to="5">Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[5]]--><inventory-auto-add item="seendonghui"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene4/4.JPG">
<passage go-to="4_1">Take the tube</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[4_1]]--><set-location id="donghui" />
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene4/4_1.JPG">
<passage go-to="4_2">“I’d like to have a chat with the residents”</passage>
<passage go-to="MapToBoss">“I have no time for this”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[MapToBoss]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene4/4_2.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Move out of the way!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="4_2A">Glide to the side</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/map/2Map.jpg">
<passage go-to="5">[6] Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene4/4_2A.JPG">
<passage go-to="4_2B">Keep walking</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene4/4_2B.JPG">
<passage go-to="4_2C">Keep walking</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene4/4_2C.JPG">
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">“Had you visited more than one such temporary settlement, Donghui would appear on the unremarkable side. Life flows ordinarily, and little in the appearance of this 城中村 and the way in which it is inhabited, reveals the tormented story of its precarious existence.</dialogue>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">Residents came from all walks of migrant life, but a sizeable number of them had little choice but to stay in Donghui. They had lost their native villages and land to development companies and greedy local officials.</dialogue>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="2" auto-next="true">Ill-adjusted to Beijing and yet unable to leave, Donghui residents had to live under a regime of modernity that made them invisible, the ghosts of an impermanent town.”
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="3" auto-next="true">Fieldnotes, 10/07/2009</dialogue>
<passage go-to="4_3">Keep walking</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Guanxi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene4/4_3.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You guys come here through your 关系, you have no idea of what is like for us…”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="4_3B">“I’m only having a look around...”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Kenlao"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene4/4_4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Before coming here people my age already worked in big cities like Beijing or Tianjin. Some of us run businesses, like in the garment industry. We don’t regard ourselves as ‘peasants’ anymore.</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true"> But the economic situation in these big cities is bad, at least since the 2008 financial crisis. You know, Beijing’s economy isn’t really growing anymore, so we had to return to our native villages.</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">Some of us tried our hands at husbandry or aquaculture, since none of us know how to farm the land anymore. Many of us were living off our parents, just 啃老. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have any feelings for the land.</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="3" auto-next="true">In my case, for example, the land that got expropriated belonged to my family. My childhood was there, and that’s another thing I’ll have to live without now"</dialogue>
<passage go-to="4_5">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Feijibenhua"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene4/4_5.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“The older generation’s perspective on the loss of land is shaped by all they’ve invested into the land, such as 非集体化 in the ‘80s, and during the collective era, bringing new land under cultivation, improving irrigation infrastructure, and so on.</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true">Our parents’ generation sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears for those projects. So their perspective differs from that of younger people who have been wandering around on the outside for many years”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="mapToBossOrGulou">Leave Donghui</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/map/2Map.jpg">
<inventory-test item="seengulou">
<passage go-to="3D">[2] Go to Gulou</passage>
<passage go-to="5">[6] Go to your boss</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/51A.JPG">
<passage go-to="5_2A">Keep walking</passage>
<passage go-to="5_1B">Ask around for directions</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52A.JPG">
<passage go-to="5_2Aimpeng">“Mr Feng, I’m Peng Lei from Lingshui, Feifei sent me”</passage>
<passage go-to="5_2Await">Wait patiently</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/51B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I suppose you are the new bartender for tonight’s gig at the club, right?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="5_1Bnotsure">“I’m not sure if it’s me...”</passage>
<passage go-to="5_1Bsure">“Sure, I’m here to meet up with Mr Feng”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/51B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Let me have a look at your ID”</dialogue>
<inventory-test item="policeapproval">
<passage go-to="5_1BnotsureLetter">“I have the police approval letter with me”</passage>
<passage go-to="5_2A">Ignore the request and leave</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/51B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“He’s kind of busy now, but you can try your luck if you want”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="5_2A">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/51B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Everything seems to be in order. Mr Feng has been waiting for you”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="5_2B">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Young Peng, finally. It’s a great pleasure to be meeting you. I was just explaining to my partner my vision for the new club. We open tonight, and you’ll be part of this great story”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="5_2Bhumbled">“I feel deeply humbled”
<passage go-to="5_2Bcontract">““I’d like to put my details down as a part of this great story”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“What’s that? Feifei you said? Finally, it’s about time! You are seriously late, boy, and you should be getting ready for tonight!”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“What tonight? Already?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“I have no time for you now. This is your starter kit and here is Feifei’s repayment for the brokering. Keep the money yourself, if you like”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="3" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="50" max="50"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7">“I’ll be on my way immediately”</passage>
<passage go-to="5_2impengUniform">“I need a uniform!”</passage>
<passage go-to="5_2impengSign">“Where should I sign to take the job?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Hey kid, what are you doing there staring at us, this is private property...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="5_2AwaitImpeng">“I’m Peng Li, Feifei from Lingshui sent me here”</passage>
<passage go-to="5_2impengUniform">“I need a uniform!”</passage>
<inventory-test item="packofcigarettesxiaoxiongmao">
<passage go-to="5_2AwaitCigarette">“I’m Peng Li, Feifei sends me along with this cigarette gift”</passage>
<inventory-test item="packofcigaretteszhongnanhai">
<passage go-to="5_2AwaitCigarette">“I’m Peng Li, Feifei sends me along with this cigarette gift”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<set-location id="scenario6" />
<inventory-auto-add item="Shangban"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">So it begins…</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7_1">上班</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[7_1]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“The last uniform was taken by the new guy from Ningxia. You’ll have to go to Soho and buy a new one. Hurry!”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[7_1]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Signing? There’s no time for that now. Get ready for work, we open at 7. There will be plenty of time for red tape after work”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Feifei you said? Finally, It was about time! You are seriously late boy and you should be getting ready for tonight!”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“What tonight? Already?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“I have no time for you now. This is your starting kit and here is Feifei’s early repayment for the brokering. Keep the money with you if you want”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="3" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="50" max="50"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7">“I’ll be on my way immediately”</passage>
<passage go-to="5_2impengUniform">“I need a uniform!”</passage>
<passage go-to="5_2impengSign">“Where should I sign to take the job?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52A.JPG">
<inventory-test item="packofcigarettesxiaoxiongmao">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“OOh! That is sort of unwarranted , and it’s me that should thank you and Feifei - I really needed such a brezen young fella for my new business” </dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“What’s that ? Feifei you said? Finally, it’s about time! You are seriously late boy and you should be getting ready for tonight!”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“What tonight? Already?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“I have no time for you now. This is your starter kit and here is Feifei’s repayment for the brokering. Keep the money yourself, if you want”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="3" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="50" max="50"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<inventory-test item="packofcigarettesxiaoxiongmao">
<passage go-to="5_2B">...</passage>
<passage go-to="7">“I’ll be on my way immediately”</passage>
<passage go-to="5_2impengSign">“Where should I sign to take the job?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Guangjie"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’m sure you do. Now, before we start, this is your starter kit, along with Feifei’s share for your recruitment. You can keep the money yourself, if you like”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="50" max="50"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Now, you have two options: you can either take an hour or two and do some 逛街 before we open, or go immediately to the club. Up to you”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6">“I’ll give a look around first”</passage>
<passage go-to="7">“I’m pretty eager to start working” </passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Guangjiuba"></item>
<set-location id="scenario6" />
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">Beijing...so many places to see, so many things to do...I could have spent many years in Jingxi and not know what I was missing...</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_1">“Let’s window shop”</passage>
<passage go-to="6jiuba">“Let’s 逛酒吧 for a bit”</passage>
<inventory-test item="phoneNumberZhangCuifen">
<passage go-to="6call">Call Cuifen’s niece</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Timian gongzi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I see, a contract, is that what you want? Look let’s put it this way: if we push back the contract thing for a moment I may be able to pay you a 体面工资, upfront. You’ll then have some pocket money to send back home, yes? Otherwise, we can sign a contract now, but that would delay your first salary and mean higher taxes for me. It’s up to you to decide”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="5_2BcontractMoney">“I’ll take the extra money”</passage>
<passage go-to="5_2BcontractContract">“I prefer to have a contract”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Guangjie"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Your call”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="50" max="50"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Now, you have two options: you can either take an hour or two and do some 逛街 before we open, or go immediately to the club. Up to you”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6">“I’ll give a look around first”</passage>
<passage go-to="7">“I’m pretty eager to start working” </passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="contract"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Guangjie"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene5/52B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Your call”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[the contract has been added to the inventory]</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Now, you have two options: you can either take an hour or two and do some 逛街 before we open, or go immediately to the club. Up to you”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6">“I’ll give a look around first”</passage>
<passage go-to="7">“I’m pretty eager to start working” </passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Dusheng"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Ducai"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_1.JPG">
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">“There’s only one thing I can tell you about kids these days. … My mum never worried about me the way these urban mums do about their 独生. In Beijing kids aren’t just 独生, they’re 独裁. When I was a kid if I whined my dad would tell me to stop. In Beijing, whining usually gets kids what they want.”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_1A">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">Mmm...that may actually cost me a few kuai...</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6jiubaGo">Go</passage>
<passage go-to="6_1Bsendmoney">I’d rather send some of this money back home</passage>
<inventory-test item="phoneNumberTeacher">
<passage go-to="6_1Bsendmoney">I’d rather send some of this money to Yining</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Hi Peng, my mum told me you’d come, let’s meet up in front of the new theatre, I’m watching a play at the moment...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_3">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_3.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Hey ‘young’ Peng, long time no see! Nice seeing you in Beijing! That play was amazing, you should go to the theatre one of these days...”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Hui, when did you move here? My last memories of you are from primary school!”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“I know, right? It’s a long story. It was one day during middle school, when my best friend, Guo, came back home in midsummer, I asked her to take me away! She said she could take me to Batong near Beijing”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_3hasty">“That sounds hasty...”
<passage go-to="6_3thank">“You should thank Guo for taking you out of the village”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_1A.JPG">
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">“Parents do everything in their power to support their only child. They have to have the best clothes, eat the best food and go to the best schools. Otherwise, they believe, their kids won’t stand a chance in today’s society. No wonder everyone goes crazy over fake goods and food safety. It’s the only thing that matters"</dialogue>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[Peng, Interview n.4, 9/02/2008]</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_1B">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_1B.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">This place is amazing! I can finally freshen up my wardrobe...</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_1Btrousers">I’d like to get a new pair of trousers</passage>
<passage go-to="6_1Buniform">I need a new uniform</passage>
<passage go-to="6_1Bdontbuy">I’d rather send some of this money back home</passage>
<inventory-test item="phoneNumberTeacher">
<passage go-to="6_1Bdontbuy">I’d rather send some of this money to Yining</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Xin sannian, Jiu Sannian, Fengfengbubu you sannian"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_1B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You’re in the right place. Did you know that under Mao people used to say 新三年,旧三年,缝逢补补有三年? Well forget about that, here you can have new clothes everyday!”</dialogue>
<wallet-test minimum="100">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-80" max="-80"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<wallet-test minimum="80">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-60" max="-60"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<wallet-test minimum="60">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-40" max="-40"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<wallet-test minimum="40">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-30" max="-30"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_2">Go for a walk</passage>
<passage go-to="7">Go to work</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_1B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Let me take your measurements and cut them onto the standard suit. 瞧,那就是! Here it goes, It’s 20 RMB.”</dialogue>
<wallet-test minimum="20">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-20" max="-20"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_2">Go for a walk</passage>
<passage go-to="7">Go to work</passage>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="0" auto-next="true">"Oh come on! I’ll have to scarper back to work"</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7">Run</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_1B.JPG">
<passage go-to="6_1">Go shopping</passage>
<passage go-to="6_2">Go for a walk</passage>
<passage go-to="7">Go to work</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_2.JPG">
<dialogue type="character" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">****Krrrrrrrr, snap! Crack! Krrrrrrrr*******</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_2A">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Shisanzhang"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_2A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“...I was also all about playing videogames and internet cafes! I was a full-blown 宅男, myself! When you come from a small township as I do, internet cafes are the only place to socialize with your peers and escape the boredom of school and homework. I was a bit lazy and stayed home most of the time, but it was on the internet that I finally found my 哥门儿, best mates! I began skating with them and since then haven’t stopped..but the scene here is ludicrous, it is not like abroad...” </dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_2APoker">“Fancy a round of 十三张?”</passage>
<passage go-to="6_2B">“Let’s go have a drink”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_2A.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" end="true">
[<random-outcome min="-20" max="20"></random-outcome> RMB]
<passage go-to="6_2B">“Let’s go have a drink”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Shamate"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_2B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“...Older people give us these looks sometimes, like they’ve just seen Li Yuchun or something! Teachers also tell us off because we dress too loudly or in a vulgar way ...They’re such a drag! They call us things like 杀马特. What does that mean anyways? People should really calm down and start taking things less seriously, you know? Beijingers are obsessed with 品味 and making money, they look at you and the first thing they ask you is: ‘Are you a 蓝领 or a 黑领?’Money must matter, otherwise how could you even keep your 淡然 look...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_2BJiulinger">“Let’s have another round of 酒令儿”</passage>
<passage go-to="7">“It’s so late, I need to rush back to work!”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Jiulingr"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_2B.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="0" end="true">
[<random-outcome min="-20" max="20"></random-outcome> RMB]
<passage go-to="7">“It’s so late, I need to rush back to work!”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_3.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I was very afraid, actually. I’d never left home before. And I didn’t know where Batong was. I don't know where I got the guts. At that time I so terribly wanted to leave the village, just for the sake of leaving the village”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_3hastyGoodbye">“Did you say goodbye to your family?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Dagongmei"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_3.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Yes, I know. Being a 打工妹 may be dull and repetitive sometimes, but it’s nothing compared to the boredom I felt in the village, when I spent all my evenings watching all those historical dramas with grandma...”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“How’s life for you now?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“I hang out a lot with friends from work, we eat out together and go shopping, there’s so much to do here in Beijing! It’s not always easy to pass as a born and bred Beijinger - most of the time we get rumbled and told off for how we behave, but we really just want to have fun”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_1">Go shopping</passage>
<passage go-to="6_2">Go for a walk</passage>
<passage go-to="7">Go to work</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_1.JPG">
<passage go-to="7_2">To the next task</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[7_2]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_2.JPG">
<passage go-to="7_3">To the next task</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[7_3]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_3.JPG">
<passage go-to="7_4">Get to the end of your shift</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[7_4]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“You look very tired boy...”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">“Oh! You speak Chinese? Yes, I've had a very long day...”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">“Me too. And what did you make of this ‘very long’ day?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7_4like">“I quite liked it”</passage>
<passage go-to="7_4beyond">“Whether I like it or not isn’t really the point, is it”</passage>
<passage go-to="7_4cantgetused">“I can’t get used to this. In fact, I’m not sure this is the place for me...”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[7_4cantgetused]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Maybe it’s the booze talking, but listen to me, boy. In this brave new world you should think big! If you like this job, get more training and move up the food chain. Make some friends, money, and open your own thing as soon as you can! That’s the way forward. The world is your oyster”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND1txt">“I guess you are right. Do you want another drink?” </passage>
<inventory-test item="contract">
<passage go-to="7_4likeContract">“My contract should work for the moment. If I do this right, I may even get a promotion”</passage>
<inventory-test item="seendonghui">
<passage go-to="7_4likeContractDonghui">“I can actually see myself do this everyday, from Donghui to here”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[7_4likeContractDonghui]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“What do you mean?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7_4beyondSupport">“I need to have a job to support my family”</passage>
<inventory-test item="phoneNumberTeacher">
<passage go-to="7_4beyondEND8txt">“I want to do something with myself, become a teacher, just like my friend”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[7_4beyondEND8txt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“There’s plenty of other stuff you could do with your life, boy. You’re young, if you don’t like it here keep this job as a cash-cow and move out at the first opportunity . I don’t actually like this place myself, but I love being in China...it’s a kind of tradeoff, I suppose...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND4txt">“I guess you are right. I may just go back to Lingshui for a bit…” </passage>
<inventory-test item="contract">
<passage go-to="7_4cantgetusedFeifei">“Feifei was right, they squeeze us and we get nothing in return”</passage>
<inventory-test item="seendonghui">
<passage go-to="7_4cantgetusedDonghui">“I can’t see myself living in one of those urban villages really...""</passage>
<wallet-test minimum="29">
<passage go-to="7_4cantgetusedVisit">“You like China eh? Would you like to visit my village?”</passage>
<passage go-to="7_4cantgetusedVisit">“You like China eh? Would you like to visit my village?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
Peng decides to commit to his new job. He’s often tired but looks to the future with hope
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND1">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<fullscreen-video src="0t-AjUo9dw8" transition-to="Credits"></fullscreen-video>
<!--[[Credits]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Don’t be silly! Forget about your contract - do whatever it takes to be noticed, and make many friends. For instance, I know some people...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND1txt">“Oh really? Do you fancy another drink?”</passage>
<inventory-test item="seendonghui">
<passage go-to="7_4likeContractDonghui">“I can actually see myself doing this everyday, from Donghui to here”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[7_4likeContractDonghui]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Yingchou"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">““Donghui is a migrant village boy. If you want to have a bright future, migrants are not the right people to have around. Do some 应酬 with the staff here, aim for the big fish...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND2txt">“Another drink?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
With the coming months, Peng realises that the only career opportunity he has rested with his line manager. He tries ingratiating himself with his affection. With time, he takes up a better-paid administrative position. His office is now on the fourth floor. He’s moving up the ladder.
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND2">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
After few months, Peng quits his job as a waiter and goes back to Feifei’s house in Fengtai. He’s thinking of taking up a shop floor operative job in the garment industry. Peng’s dad is pressing his son hard on accepting whatever conditions the employer proposes. Meanwhile, as Beijing keeps growing, life in Fengtai is getting more and more vibrant
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND3">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
With each passing month, Peng grows more and more convinced that city life won’t work for him. Eventually, he quits his job and goes back to his native village. Every day, his mom reminds him of the famous Maoist slogan: “the countryside is a vast world where much can be accomplished
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND4">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
With each passing month, Peng grows more and more convinced that city life won’t work for him. ‘What should a filial son do?’ he keeps asking himself. ‘Support one’s family financially while being away from home or stay closer to one’s ageing parents but disappoint their expectations?
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND5">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
As a big saver, Peng quickly gets enough credit to apply for a loan from Lingshui local cooperative. In the beginning, the branch manager is thoroughly sceptical: ‘It’s not gonna work boy!’, but as the first wealthy tourists start making their appearance in Peng’s very own rural family hostel, he is forced to change his mind.
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND6">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
Peng struggles to make Beijing his new home. Making friends is difficult and work keeps him too busy to really bond with anyone. ‘Beijing is simply an intermediate step in my life’ he keeps telling himself. His homecomings have recently become fewer and further between.
<passage go-to="7_4beyondEND7">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
Peng picks up the habit of visiting Yining’s migrant school every day. Eventually, he starts working with a group of kids interested in basic IT programming. As his passion for teaching grows, he decides to volunteer for a widening participation initiative for rural kids.
<passage go-to="7_4beyondEND8">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<fullscreen-video src="8SInJGJpE_g" transition-to="Credits"></fullscreen-video>
<!--[[Credits]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Who?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND3txt">“Forget it, tomorrow’s my last day here. Fengtai is waiting for me”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[7_4likeEND3txt]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Don’t do it then...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND5txt">“Or if I do, I’d need to be among friends, at least. Feifei was right all along”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<fullscreen-video src="VfEu_snFGQk" transition-to="Credits"></fullscreen-video>
<fullscreen-video src="DlVTMiVIV20" transition-to="Credits"></fullscreen-video>
<!--[[Credits]]--><inventory-auto-add item="Laowai"></item>
<inventory-auto-add item="Nongjiale"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Is it one of those nice Ming villages close the great wall?”</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="right" id="1" auto-next="true">Sort of. I was thinking...perhaps I can work with 老外 and tourists instead of slaving away in Beijing...”
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">““A 农家乐 you mean? It sounds like a plan...”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7_4likeEND6txt">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<fullscreen-video src="Rcd3C3MFDQw" transition-to="Credits"></fullscreen-video>
<%= s.menu %>
<fullscreen-video src="DlVTMiVIV20" transition-to="Credits"></fullscreen-video>
<!--[[Credits]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene7/7_4.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Don’t we all have to do that, though?”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="7_4beyondEND7txt">“But I’m a migrant now, there’s no place for me anywhere other than here”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<fullscreen-video src="oMkk-EmmSoc" transition-to="Credits"></fullscreen-video>
<%= s.menu %>
<fullscreen-video src="xdPNQlJ7bVg" transition-to="Credits"></fullscreen-video>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene3/3D2.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“t’s good to keep to your promises. Follow that road.”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="3D3">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<!--[[3D3]]--><background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="center" id="1" auto-next="true">[<random-outcome min="-30" max="-30"></random-outcome> RMB]</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_2">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6.JPG">
<passage go-to="6_1B">"I still need a uniform for work”</passage>
<inventory-test item="phoneNumberZhangCuifen">
<passage go-to="6call">Call Cuifen’s niece</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Sifangqian"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene6/6_3.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I met Ping at the bus station. She told me the bus would leave at five and we decided to have breakfast near the station. Just as I sat down, I saw a woman running from the field towards the station. As she got nearer, I realised it was my mother. I was stunned, really frightened.</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="1" auto-next="true">My mother saw me and shouted my name. In that moment I thought my dream was dashed. But she didn’t ask me to stay. Instead she gave me 100 RMB, which was her 私房钱, and a jacket. She promised to keep my secret. She asked me to write letters once I arrived in Beijing and to promise that I would return home for the Spring Festival.</dialogue>
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="2" auto-next="true">The bus was leaving, and my mother handed me the umbrella. It was raining slightly but I didn't realize it until I saw my mother standing by the station from the coach. She was weeping, but I knew I had to go”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="6_1">Go shopping</passage>
<passage go-to="6_2">Go for a walk</passage>
<passage go-to="7">Go to work</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="false">
<div style="margin: 0px 0 10px 0;"> The Long Day of Young Peng</div>
<div style="margin: 10px 0 30px 0;">小彭一天的旅途疲惫</div>
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">To all the people who appear in this game and with whom I spent many months of my life in China, this is where I say thank you. While no written text (or in this case, videogame) could ever do justice to your lives and struggles, I hope that with my work I haven’t misrepresented any of your thoughts and aspirations. Of course, all mistakes and misinterpretations are my own.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
This digitised interactive ethnography (or game, as you prefer) is based on eight months of fieldwork between 2008-2009. Most of what you read and see comes from that period of research. At certain points in the story, you’ll also hear the voices of people Peng or I have never met in person. Their voices are included in the publications on contemporary China mentioned in the bibliography. As our work makes a point of blurring the boundaries between fiction, non-fiction, and ethnography to question the underlying dynamics and hierarchies of storytelling, we decided to anonymise all sources other than those from my field diary and interviews.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
Lingshui can be reached by bus from Beijing’s line 1 Pingguoyuan metro station. In 2009 that trip took three and a half hours. To this village and to others in the Jingxi area belong one of the most beautiful rural scenery of northern China.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
The following are the people who have been involved in various capacities and to different degrees in the making of Peng. We thank them all for their patience and hard work.
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Andrea Enrico Pia, project manager, concept, research, scriptwriter (<a href="mailto:a.e.pia@lse.ac.uk">a.e.pia@lse.ac.uk</a>)
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Marco De Mutiis, concept, research, photography, interaction designer (<a href="mailto:me@marcodemutiis.com">me@marcodemutiis.com</a>)
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Tom Chambers, coding
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Leonardo Angelucci, coding
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Sarah Leach, project co-ordinator
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Helen Axe, technical support
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Katy Gardner, project support
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Yan Hinrichsen, project co-ordinator
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Konstantinos Tsimonis, project co-ordinator
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Jane Secker, administrative support
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Fuad Musallam, proof-reader
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Wu Di, proof-reader
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Giulia Zoccatelli, beta-tester
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Alessia Costa, beta-tester
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
Special thanks to the 2016/2017 LSE postgraduate cohort of the ‘China in Comparative Perspective’ MSc Programme.
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
This project was financed by a 2016 LSE IGNITE! Grant, and through the LSE Eden Centre Catalyst Fund and the 2022 King’s College London Faculty Education Fund, Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Policy (SSPP).
<div style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
The Long Day of Young Peng © 2016 by Andrea E. Pia; Marco De Mutiis is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
<%= s.specialMenu %><fullscreen-video src="EJAn-hETGuE" transition-to="2C4play"></fullscreen-video>
<inventory-auto-add item="Zhejiangcun"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene4/4_3.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“Give it a good look, boy. This place is going down exactly like 浙江村or Ganjiazhai. They will smash everything and give us nothing.”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="4_3C">“What are you talking about?”</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<inventory-auto-add item="Zhuazhu tudi"></item>
<background image="http://monotaskers.com/assets/peng/images/scene4/4_3.JPG">
<dialogue type="update" position="left" id="0" auto-next="true">“I’m talking about 抓住土地. Once it’s done, we’ll have to move somewhere else - only that this city is too pricy for us, and our rural hukou won’t let us get any support. We are stuck in transition”</dialogue>
<passage go-to="4_4">...</passage>
<%= s.menu %>
<dialogue type="author" position="center" id="0" auto-next="true">
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<li><b>Andrea E. Pia</b>: an anthropologist specialising in the study of China and South-East Asia. He writes on political ecology and sustainability, the interface of ethical reasoning and prefigurative politics and the Chinese State from a comparative perspective. Andrea met Peng and his family on his first ethnographic project in northern China.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Aunt Xiaoyu</b>: Peng’s Dad’s older sister. She spent all her life working in a local garment factory. She retired early and started working on her husband’s land, growing vegetables and corn.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Feifei</b>: one of Peng’s best childhood friends, he is a distant relative. A few years his senior, Feifei moved out of Lingshui as soon as he could, dreaming of a different life. His first attempt to establish himself in Beijing was cut short by the police, who sent him back to Lingshui. Along with his father Fucheng, he brokered the deal with Mr Feng on Peng’s behalf.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Leonardo Angelucci</b>: a Swiss-Italian graphic designer and coder. He graduated in 2013 in Visual Communication at the SUPSI University in Southern Switzerland, with a BA thesis in Interaction Design. Leonardo works as a freelance graphic designer, collaborating with national and international clients in the cultural and institutional field. Alongside his freelance activity, he is a teacher of creative coding.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Marco De Mutiis</b>: after giving China the best years of his youth, he got lost in media arts and became an artist and curator. He followed Andrea with a camera, around Lingshui and all the way to Beijing, to retrace Peng’s first few days as a migrant.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Mr Feng</b>: A successful entrepreneur from Beijing with ancestral connections to the Jingxi area, he is the main reason behind Peng’s trip to the capital. Pressured by relatives, he offers Peng a temporary job in Beijing under his supervision.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Peng’s Mum</b>: born in Matou, a village 30 km west of Lingshui, she spent most of her life working as a cook in a factory near Zhaitang. She had Peng from her first marriage.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Peng’s Dad</b>: born In Lingshui, the youngest of three brothers, he abandoned farming in his 40s, reinventing himself as a private driver. He married late and became Peng’s stepfather when Peng was 8.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Tom Chambers</b>: a creative coder and web developer. He started Random Quark with Theo Papatheodorou and takes on projects as varied as electronic cats and digital mind reading. He never met Peng in person.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Uncle Di</b>: from Peng’s Dad’s side of the family, he is the oldest of three brothers. He kept working on his family land until his body allowed him to. He retired early due to illness.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Uncle Fucheng</b>: from Peng’s Mom’s side of the family, he is Feifei’s father. His good relationship with Mr Feng secured Peng a job offer in Beijing.</li>
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Uncle Li</b>: he is the second of three brothers, one of Peng’s uncles from his Dad’s side. A radical red guard in his youth, he was the first in his family to see potential in the “opening-up” reforms. He’s a man of many exploits as well as many failures.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Zhang Cuifen</b>: a friend of Aunt Xiaoyu, she moved to Beijing in the Eighties. She is currently working for a cleaning contractor company.
<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
<b>Yining</b>: Feifei’s friend, she is a teacher at the migrant village school. She is a staunch campaigner for the equal right to education of migrant children in the Beijing municipality.
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<div style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;">
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